Cyclothymic Disorder

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Hi, my name is Dori and live in the UK. I'm looking for more information and people who live with ADHD and any types of bipolar disorder. I am saving up for a diagnosis for ADHD at the moment as symptoms have been a lot more severe and intense. While trying to find answers to my problems and experiences I did find myself relating to lots of experiences and symptoms (also the ones that usually help differentiate ADHD and bipolar) to cyclothymia specifically and I wanted to learn more about it from actual people who live with it to help me decide wether I should get an initial assessment and not just for ADHD. (They cost more with a private psychiatric). I also feel very confused and at this point a little bit still hesitant and unworthy of reaching out for help if I am being completely honest, so wanted to see people who are diagnosed with perhaps both (ADHD, cyclothymia or maybe even bipolar II) could be helpful by sharing their experiences and stories. I find myself not always necessarily relating to ADHD symptoms only and there are some unexplained symptoms/experiences that I can’t find ADHD people struggle with (at least not yet). Can’t wait to connect with some of you! thank you in advance!

#MightyTogether #ADHD #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder

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#Bipolar #MentalHealth #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD #PostpartumDisorders #Cyclothymia Nighttime Brain Dump

My life is so stressful and chaotic. I personally suffer with #Cyclothymia #Bipolar #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD #PostpartumDisorders #Adjustment Disorder with #attachmenttrauma
I also suffer from #Co -depenency
My current husband has #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder .
My Mom has #Bipolar and My Dad has #Bipolar and #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder
I believe I was born as an Angel and a Child of God. I’m Christian. At 5 and 6 years old I was physically abused by my Uncle. At 14 years old, I had to pack my bags and be taken away from my Mom who was #Manic at the time. She has attempted suicide several times by pills. The last attempt was November 2023. My sister, was diagnosed with #BreastCancer November 2023. November is also my birthday month. My best friend, Ashley, died from a head on collision on the freeway from a Drunk Driver, on my birthday, at 19 years old.
I come from a long history of abuse and trauma. In High School, my Dad and Stepmom would lock up food and other essentials in their room. They withheld food from us. I have food scarcity issues to this day. On May 4, 2023 I found out that my Husband of 13 years had been cheating on me throughout our relationship and marriage. I got a Restraining Order for Emotional Abuse. My only child and I were in hiding for about 6 weeks until my court hearing that my husband filed for Emergency Custody Rights and Legal Separation. He filed in the paperwork that I was Unstable, not taking my medication, and supervised visits. He wanted to pay me zero spousal support and zero Child support. We settled out of court in June 2023, the day before the hearing. My husband was an #Alcohoic and #Addiction to bad behaviors. He lied, cheated, and spent money that was supposed to support the family. To say I’m devastated is an understatement.
My #MentalHealth is suffering because I am still in the same house, in the same bed, with my Husband.
How can I go on like this?
I’ve never been suicidal but I’m exhausted. I’m current seeing my Psychiatrist and Therapist for treatment. I’m even doing IV #ketamine Treatments.
I know I deserve better in so many ways. Any ideas or suggestions on how to move on from here? I’m suffering even though I know I deserve a life that is better. 🙏

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#Bipolar #MentalHealth #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD #PostpartumDisorders #Cyclothymia Nighttime Brain Dump

My life is so stressful and chaotic. I personally suffer with #Cyclothymia #Bipolar #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD #PostpartumDisorders #Adjustment Disorder with #attachmenttrauma
I also suffer from #Co -depenency
My current husband has #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder .
My Mom has #Bipolar and My Dad has #Bipolar and #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder
I believe I was born as an Angel and a Child of God. I’m Christian. At 5 and 6 years old I was physically abused by my Uncle. At 14 years old, I had to pack my bags and be taken away from my Mom who was #Manic at the time. She has attempted suicide several times by pills. The last attempt was November 2023. My sister, was diagnosed with #BreastCancer November 2023. November is also my birthday month. My best friend, Ashley, died from a head on collision on the freeway from a Drunk Driver, on my birthday, at 19 years old.
I come from a long history of abuse and trauma. In High School, my Dad and Stepmom would lock up food and other essentials in their room. They withheld food from us. I have food scarcity issues to this day. On May 4, 2023 I found out that my Husband of 13 years had been cheating on me throughout our relationship and marriage. I got a Restraining Order for Emotional Abuse. My only child and I were in hiding for about 6 weeks until my court hearing that my husband filed for Emergency Custody Rights and Legal Separation. He filed in the paperwork that I was Unstable, not taking my medication, and supervised visits. He wanted to pay me zero spousal support and zero Child support. We settled out of court in June 2023, the day before the hearing. My husband was an #Alcohoic and #Addiction to bad behaviors. He lied, cheated, and spent money that was supposed to support the family. To say I’m devastated is an understatement.
My #MentalHealth is suffering because I am still in the same house, in the same bed, with my Husband.
How can I go on like this?
I’ve never been suicidal but I’m exhausted. I’m current seeing my Psychiatrist and Therapist for treatment. I’m even doing IV #ketamine Treatments.
I know I deserve better in so many ways. Any ideas or suggestions on how to move on from here? I’m suffering even though I know I deserve a life that is better. 🙏

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Difference between Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar Spectrum Disorder

Hi, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Spectrum Disorder a couple of weeks ago. I don't have Bipolar 1 or 2 or Cyclothymia as my symptoms don't meet the diagnostic criteria. Rather my psychiatrist described bipolar as being on a spectrum and my mood swings fall on this spectrum, albeit not to the extent that would carry a Bipolar Disorder diagnosis. It is a bit confusing as some articles uses the terms Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar Spectrum Disorder interchangeably. Has anyone else been diagnosed with this? Thanks in advance #BipolarDisorder

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is CarlyT79. I'm here because I’ve recently been diagnosed with no polar after years of mis diagnosis for depression and cyclothymia. I have always been able to maintain a job but I am very impulsive so often if things get too much, I’ll just walk out! I recently started a new job; handed my notice in at old job whilst having a low episode and after a week in new job, I’m really regretting it! I feel trapped and need money so have to work. I feel like this is just a viscous circle that keeps happening and people just make a joke now ‘ oh another job’ 😂

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #PTSD

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5 Misconceptions About Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses. I’m sure at some point in your life someone has called a person bipolar because their mood shifted rapidly, or they were irritable. Unfortunately, comments like that only further the confusion about what bipolar actually is. Today, I’m going to address five of the most common misconceptions about bipolar disorder.

People with bipolar disorder have rapid mood changes:

This is probably the most common misconception out there. Someone goes from cheery to angry or sad in a matter of minutes or hours, so they must be bipolar. In reality, the mood shifts in bipolar disorder happen over long periods of time. In order to be diagnosed as having bipolar disorder you need to experience either mania or hypomania (a lesser form of mania) for at least one week, or be so severe that it requires hospitalization. Someone can be manic or hypomanic for weeks or months at a time. The length of time all depends on the individual, but it must last for at least a week to even be diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

There is only one type of bipolar disorder:

There are actually three different types of bipolar disorder, and many subtypes as well. Which one someone has is dependent upon their mania.

Bipolar I disorder means that a person suffers from full blown manic episodes for at least seven days or require hospitalization. Someone with bipolar I disorder, like myself, can have episodes of depression and also mixed episodes where there are symptoms of both mania and depression present.

Bipolar II disorder occurs when someone has hypomania, a lesser form of mania. Someone with hypomania may go through periods of elevated mood and then periods of depression, but the highs aren’t as severe as in bipolar I disorder.

Cyclothymic disorder is a lesser form of bipolar disorder. Someone with cyclothymic disorder has highs and lows that are much less severe than bipolar I or II.

People with bipolar disorder have regular cycles of high and low mood:

Some people believe that the mood states cycle between mania or hypomania and depression. In reality, someone can have a depressive episode followed by another depressive episode with no mania or hypomania in between. Someone can also have two separate episodes of mania or hypomania in a row with no depressive episode in between. Bipolar disorder is extremely unpredictable, which is one of the reasons it makes it hard for people with bipolar disorder to maintain regular employment. The longest depressive episode I’ve had was almost six months.

Bipolar disorder only affects someone’s mood:

Contrary to popular believe, bipolar disorder affects a lot more than just someone’s mood. Bipolar disorder affects sleep, energy levels, weight, concentration, and risk taking behaviors. When I am unwell I don’t sleep well. Whether I’m manic or depressed doesn’t matter. Both of them rob me of sleep. My energy level drops massively, and depending on the episode, sometimes I can’t even do a simple task like read a grocery list due to a lack of concentration. Bipolar disorder can also severely impact someone’s risk taking behaviors. When a person with bipolar disorder is manic, they are much more likely to engage in risky behaviors of all sorts. Weight gain is a big struggles for people with bipolar disorder. There is a lot of science behind it that I don’t understand, but medications aren’t the only reason people with bipolar disorder gain weight, or have a hard time losing weight. There are metabolic and physiological differences in people who have bipolar disorder.

Mania is a lot of fun:

There is a false belief that mania always comes with an increase in energy, not needing sleep, and generally having no inhibitions, but this isn’t always the case. Mania can also mean anger, irritability, and feeling so energized that it’s physically uncomfortable. Mania can be very damaging to the person suffering from it, and also to those around the person, especially if mania comes with psychosis. People who are manic tend to take risks they wouldn’t normally take, and a lot of times they can be dangerous. There has definitely never been anything fun about the mania I’ve experienced.

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is MadHatter926. I'm here because I would like someone to talk to about how to cope with the day to day, I am currently seeing a Psychiatrist, a therapist, and a PCP. Any suggestions welcome.

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #Grief #CyclothymicDisorder

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