The fear in waiting.
I just had an #Endocrinologist appointment that ended with bloodwork. Now I'm in that dreaded stage of waiting. I may have had every single symptom that checked the boxes for an endocrine problem, specifically #CushingsSyndrome , but you know... that's happened before. As someone who has spent their entire teen and current adult life suffering through doctors and their tests, most of them coming back negative, I'm used to this. But this time...I really need to have an answer. An answer with a solution, no more incurable diseases. If its Cushing's, which I hope it is, I'll just get the snip of a benign tumor and return to my typical homeostatic state of #EhlersDanlosSyndrome . I really just need some support during this time, and good vibes I have solid answers instead of "rule outs." #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Asthma #HypermobileTypeEDS #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #AcidReflux #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #BellsPalsy #Tachycardia #CheckInWithMe #Undiagnosed