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“The 3 Shastas” in Northern California

Sat for awhile viewing Mt. Shasta, Shasta Lake, Shasta Dam. Breathtaking!
#getoutside #Vacation

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Power washer art

So, one day in the recent past I started power washing our driveway and ended up drawing/writing with the power washer. I followed up with coloring the words and pictures with chalk. This is a very life-giving activity for me. Haven’t participated for awhile but might do it again tomorrow. #ArtTherapy #Reflections #spontaneousart #ChalkArt #getoutside #lifegivingactivity #meetyourneighborsinthestreet #fragilitywithstrength

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Getting outside

Here I am hot & sweaty on Monday after helping my husband load 190 kilograms (Canadian here don’t do measurements in non-metric) of trash in our van to take to our dump. We live in a rural town & if you want to get rid of construction materials then this is what you do. I got outside, I exercised, I mowed our lawn, I felt better than I have in a long time. I’ll take hot & sweaty any day over being in pain from a flare due to rheumatoid arthritis. Yep getting outside is my thing at this time of the year & yes it does reset me to the positive. #RheumatoidArthritis
#52SmallThings #getoutside

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Thankful for a better day

Ahhh summer... or at least it feels like it. It was a crazy busy day. I was on the go from 9 am until 6 pm but I still managed to #getoutside why... because that is #Myhappyplace . Moving my body is what helps clear my mind when I feel overwhelmed, stressed, sadness, grief, anxiety or any of the other 100 emotions I can feel in a given day. After being poked by my physiotherapist #ims , zapped by my naturopath #neurofeedback therapy and my car searched by CBSA #myluckyday , I could have come home and crashed on the couch...but, I knew my #body #mind and #spirit would all be in a better place if I took the 40 min to get some fresh air, sunshine and deep breaths. It was a long day but I never regret taking the time for me. #healthybody #healthymind #MentalHealth #strongereachday #OnedayAtaTime #risingstrong #healingjourney #ChronicIllness #Fibromyalgia #Selflove #Mindfulness #MyJourney #Spoonie