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Recovery, 1 month since the end. 18.05.2022-21.01.2025.

A month was yesterday since the end of a horrible traumatic period of my life, especially the last two years, with an extremely traumatic event, of losing a dear person to those who tormented me all this time. So how have I been doing since? I'm freed. It took time, but grateful to have nothing to do with these people again. And people can be saved only if they choose to. And I chose to.
And I am grateful to the amazing company I work for, And my coworkers. To my family And friends, to my activities. To you all for the support. And here is my #photodiary about the recovery.
1. To signify the end And also for security I painted my hair red. 2. My theology books. 3. My dance shoes 4. My town 5. My leotards And costumes 6. My pharmacy books 7. My sign of hope, the spider 8. My music instrument, 9. Part of my new tattoo.
#Trauma #Recovery #Gratitude #Survivor

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Gratitude and Glimmers

I haven’t been up to much lately but I have been able to read and that’s amazing because I always get distracted! Reading the Gita allows me to see how similar Hinduism and Buddhism are and I see even connections to my previous beliefs- in Christianity. The poetry is beautiful and one of the major themes- the soul- is timeless. I am grateful to be reading something useful these days and also grateful I got a haircut this week. #Glimmers #Gratitude #gratitudeandglimmers #PTSD

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I'm so grateful for my partner. She takes excellent care of me. She has an eagerness to learn how to make me happy. Id do anything for her. She's my world. I'm my favorite version of myself when I'm with her.

My QPP has been my mentor for 5 years. He's like family to me. He's always been good to me. We talk almost every day. He's important to me.

My therapist and I have worked together for almost 7 years. He genuinely cares about me. He thinks my partner and I have a style of communication he almost never sees, even married couples.


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30-Day-Self-Care-Challenge: Day Four

Day Four - write three things you are grateful for.

Here are mine:

I am grateful for the water I drink.

I am grateful for the park I walk my dog in.

I am grateful for the fresh air I breathe outside.

#Gratitude #52SmallThings #Selfcare

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#Acceptance #Grief #RareDisease #Gratitude

I discovered in April that I've been living with #SuperiorMesentericArterySyndrome , and due to the abhorrent state of "healthcare" where I am, have been watching my health rapidly decline while I scramble solo to access appropriate and adequate treatment. I am expected to return to the remote job I absolutely LOVE on the 12th of next month, but am devastated by the reality that I will not be able to at that time. Today, I'm giving myself permission to both accept this unwelcome reality and grieve. I also grant myself the permission to acknowledge this as an opportunity to explore my passion for advocacy and writing more deeply than I have in the past.

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So grateful for this community #Depression #Anxiety #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #PTSD #Gratitude #MentalHealth

I am so grateful for the people here on The Mighty. Whilst struggling to manage their own health challenges people take the time to encourage others and respond to their posts.

It is so refreshing and so valuable. Thank you everyone.

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Blessed with Dinner #MentalHealth #Depression #Gratitude

For those of you who don’t know, I live with my mom and sister (who has Asperger’s Syndrome). And if you’ve never seen me on here, I’m 16. My mom has a number of chronic illnesses and other debilitating health problems, so I’m left to upkeep the house and care for them.
This means that I’m also making all of my meals, which generally consist of pizza rolls, frozen burritos, and sandwiches. But tonight, my neighbors brought me a homemade meal of teriyaki chicken and rice, a salad, a fruit salad, and rolls made completely from scratch.
I was just so grateful to have a full, real dinner I just had to share it, so here I am.

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Daily Gratitude Check!

I want to hear 3 good things about your day. Small, big, the size doesn't matter! The more you notice the good, the more good you'll find to be thankful for! ❤️

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Focusing on the 98% #Depression #Gratitude #Relationships #MentalHealth

Australia is going through a very difficult economic season. Many people are having to go without electricity to ensure they have enough food. Housing costs have skyrocketed.

So, we have increased our food program at church from 1 day to 3 days a week. Friday we gave away, completely free, 160 bags of fruit and vegetables and over 1,000 frozen meals. 98% of the people are grateful and gracious.

And predictably there is the 2%. One lady took to social media accusing us of putting peoples lives at risk by giving away lemons that were rotten.
Her basis for saying this was they were pink inside. I imagine she was ready to launch a class action.

We replied to her social media post and explained we didn’t have any lemons this week but we did have pink grapefruit. Another person was upset she couldn’t order specific high end cuts of meat and have them delivered, all free of cost.

It’s easy for the 2% to upset and discourage you. I am trying to focus on the 98%

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