I got my Hickman line removed today! I have been dreading this since the day I got my line placed but now I’m so happy it’s over!
So of course, things didn’t go according to plan. I was originally supposed to be sedated for the procedure but instead I was awake. Since my line has been in for a while I had a lot of scar tissue which made it harder for them to get it out. A lot of tugging and three shots of lidocaine (which I hate getting, that stuff burns!)
I didn’t feel any “pain” throughout any of it BUT I did feel a lot of pressure and almost a heaviness where they were pulling at the line. They had to get some scissors and break up the scar tissue in order for the line to come out. The part I was most anxious for was when they actually pull the line out. With a previous picc line removal it was pulled so fast I felt it coming out inside me, so I was really scared that would happen again.
The doctor told me when he was ready to pull the line out and asked him to hum while he did. He got in out in literally 2 seconds. That was the fastest part of it all.
I’m a little sore, nurses said I would be tender for a few days. But I’m proud of myself and what I’ve accomplished.