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What is up with the MIGHT? The vibe is off... #no offense

It feels very PC.. and feels like it's missing a vibrant VIBE it once had..
Surely im not the only one that notices? I ❤the Mighty .... So don't hate people's.. Maybe it's just the lull of quarantine ... We all just going through it.. And everyone is suffering or less to say... I love you guys.. Maybe it's just me???😣 #BipolarDepression #Anxiety #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Arthritis #INFJ #Spoonies #pancreatitis #homeschool #Music #COVID19 #Surviving #Insomnia

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"Distance learning recesss"😄 #COVID19 #homeschool#Depression

Just trying to make the best of each day... It is crazy hard to figure out teaching 5 kids at home with limited supplies ... Picked up paper packet for my one child that has IEP.. She is 13 ..and she had already tried online school first semester of the year... Went back to brick and mortar cuz it was too hard... too much stress..
She did 16 pages of paper tears... Some smiles😊 And only asked for help when she really needed it.. 🙌 Yay!!!
So yeah.. Im rambling.. But trying to share one computer that won't charge.. ( gotta use duck tape.. To hold cord at an angle) .... It's been a real drama / stress test.. Pffft😂
I think we are going to plant a small container garden to supplement homeschool and fresh food ... What should we plant? Any suggestions?
Also open to any suggestions on fun home stuff or fun break ideas for US...
Love all yall out there ... Stay safe .. #inthistogether #Anxiety Bipolardepression #ChronicPain #Arthritis


Covid 19 2020 #homeschool

I honestly never panic over snowstorms.. Or when Swine flu hit..or the regular flu. THIS is different. I am 2 months post op for a chronic illness. I am laid off. I have a moody 13 year old who needs to be homeschooled until God knows when. My husbands hours are pointless at work. I had been home post op for 6 weeks prior to covid. Now I need to be home. I go to the store in gloves..mask..and alcohol spray. I feel like the movie outbreak is actually happening . on top of this two separate friends lost children this week one cancer. One 11 days to a 💙defect. We can't even mourn them as a "community". Services will be held "at some point". My daughter should be making her confirmation..postponed. She should be going to DC..uncertain. She should walk to get her 8th grade diploma..I pray. She is my only child. These are milestones! They may not happen. I'm more hurt than her. So needless to say..anxiety is just unruly. I just feel helpless. I can only disinfect my house so much. Before OCD. Kicks in. Laundry is cleaned. I feel like life may never be normal again. And even my normal life is stressful. I need an outlet...besides journaling. This may be it. Thanks for listening.


Anyone else’s teen obsessed with germs? #Aspergers

I have a 15-year-old daughter who has aspergers and she is completely obsessed with all things related to germs and being a homeschool family she has every educational resource I can get my hands on. I had to turn her obsession into a unit study in order to get her to work on all her subjects. #Aspergers #homeschool #teens