I'm a great big scaredy cat puppy
Pauley helps me with my testosterone injections every week. I'm used to the super thin tiny pen needles for my insulin pens. I use sub Q needles for injection of the testosterone in my tummy but they're bigger gauge. She fills the syringe for me.
She always says just shove it in like a dart but I'm like *wiggles needle around and chickens out*
Today was T day. When she told me to shove it in she asked if I wanted help and I said yes. So she took the needle and BAM right in. I didn't feel a thing. Until I started pushing the plunger and OMG owie. But it got done.
Years ago she used to do my injections in my butt with regular needles. It's kinda hard to believe I'm doing my own injection. I'm not scared of the needle, I'm scared of making myself bleed.