hormone replacement therapy

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I'm a great big scaredy cat puppy

Pauley helps me with my testosterone injections every week. I'm used to the super thin tiny pen needles for my insulin pens. I use sub Q needles for injection of the testosterone in my tummy but they're bigger gauge. She fills the syringe for me.

She always says just shove it in like a dart but I'm like *wiggles needle around and chickens out*

Today was T day. When she told me to shove it in she asked if I wanted help and I said yes. So she took the needle and BAM right in. I didn't feel a thing. Until I started pushing the plunger and OMG owie. But it got done.

Years ago she used to do my injections in my butt with regular needles. It's kinda hard to believe I'm doing my own injection. I'm not scared of the needle, I'm scared of making myself bleed.

#HRT #Transgender #LGBT #HormoneReplacementTherapy

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It's 415am and I can't sleep

It might be because I drank a bottle of IQ Joe with my dinner lol.

Now Pauley and I are eating chocolate chips. She's going down obscure rabbit holes on Wikipedia while I'm just listening to music and researching medical stuff.

Today was testosterone Tuesday. I have been back on T for about 3 months. My facial hair is coming in thick and my voice is cracking again. But I'm also breaking out in lots of acne. Boy puberty sucks but it's a jillion times better than girl puberty.

My right foot is 2x it's normal size. Tomorrow the first call I'm gonna make is to the Endo. I'm concerned about how lymphedema and diabetes interact.

I'm feeling very invisible. If you see this post, what's your favorite poem? Or if you're feeling spry, write me a haiku about spring.#HRT #HormoneReplacementTherapy #Transgender #LGBT #Transman #testosterone #Lymphedema #Diabetes

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I was on testosterone for 6 years but I stopped 2 years ago. I've been back on it for a month

Way back when, my voice deepened, I grew facial hair, and I gained a lot of weight. I am on norethindrone to stop my period. I thought I could quit taking testosterone. Until I found out I'm balls deep in menopause and my body is not producing any hormones. So I've taken testosterone every week for the last month. I used to take .3ml but now I'm up to.5ml. I can already tell my voice is changing again. But that seems to be the only thing that is happening. Then again it's only been one month. Pauley helps me with my injection cuz I'm awful at drawing it out. I don't notice any energy difference. My libido is non-existent cuz I have sexual aversion disorder with sexual repulsion. Most trans guys get a major boost but I never did. I'm wondering how deep my voice is gonna get.

#Transgender #HormoneReplacementTherapy #menopause

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I'm starting HRT (testosterone specifically) tomorrow!! I'm ecstatic. If anybody has any advice I'd love to hear it. I can't wait!!! #Transgender #trans #Transman #HormoneReplacementTherapy #LGBT



I'm supposed to be starting testosterone Monday, I have an appointment for a nurse to teach me how to do injections. But because of a pharmacy mess up I might not have the testosterone on time and may have to reschedule. It'd only be around another week but I was so excited and being autistic makes little things like this much harder to cope with :( #Transgender #trans #HormoneReplacementTherapy


Perimenopause #Perimenopause , #Crazy , #HormoneReplacementTherapy , hormones

Is there a perimenopause group on the Mighty? I know there's a few private ones on FB, but I quit FB. Anyone else feel like their losing their minds while going through this or have spouses going through it?


anyone here live in denver and have started transitioning with insurance covering it? I'm moving there soon and need to know the coverage.

#topsurgery #Transman


are you non-binary and have thoughts on hormone therapy?

only recently have I become aware, or allowed myself to be okay with it, hat I am interested in hormone therapy. I believe I look too feminine and want to masculinize my body. I love my body, but I wish I could grow a beard. I wish my voice was deeper. I want to grow more muscle mass. chest hair would be cool too. but I am afraid of the unknown. what if I hate it? what if I don’t become what I imagine in my head? what if my beard is patchy? I don’t want my sex parts to change but I want my body to.

have you thought about hormone therapy? do you full dose or micro dose? or have you decided against hormones?

#Transgender #nonbinary #LGBTQIA #HormoneReplacementTherapy


Seems weird to be glad I got my period...

After 8 months on hormone replacement therapy, I finally had a normal menstrual cycle this month. It seems like a little thing, but I spent a long time having increasingly erratic mood swings and depersonalization on occasion. I thought it was a change in my mental health, but my psyciatrist encourages me to look for a medical explanation. Turns out I have almost no testosterone in my body. Even women should have a certain level of testosterone, but I had way too little, so I was diagnosed with a hormone imbalance, likely due to changes in my brain. I'm now using birth control, not to prevent pregnancy, but to alter my hormone levels. It took a lot of doctors and a lot of medications and a lot of discouragement, but this month was the old normal cycle I remember. So yes, I'm doing the happy dance. It's a little thing, but I feel more like myself. #HormoneReplacementTherapy #hormoneimbalance #moodswingsgalore #BrainAbnormality #alzheimers #AlzheimersDisease #earlyonsetalzheimersdisease #GeneticMutation