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Having issues finding a job ...

I'm looking for a low stress flexible job . What do y'all do for a living ??#Jobs


🎠 Getting Out Of Here 💗

With so many problems in this world #Jobs and #hiring people should not be in that list. It is not the person that is always the problem, often times it is the job interviewing process. There are one too many methods that can make you want to #cry and #scream out in frustration.

Expecially when a job expects you to submit your resume and job history, and then suddenly ask you to fill it out all over again.

Jobs should look at your resume, watch how your spelling is, and view to see what kind of personality they may have. Call the applicant to get to know them a bit.

I seriously need a #DayOut of here so I can refresh my mind. #DisneyWorld and #UniversalStudios are two places that are on my mind.

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Positivity - It CAN be done!

I'm living with BPD and Bipolar Disorder, and now I've got two jobs. One as a Jr. PM/Executive Assistant and the other serving at this seafood restaurant. I never thought that was possible! I also want to go back to school and get my doctorate degree in organizational/industrial psychology.

I am so happy and excited! I moved out on my own and I'm exploring a new relationship. Just wanted to share the happy vibes with all of you!

Also, June 20th is my birthday! I'm so happy! 🏆 🏅🫶🏼💪🏼

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #ChronicDepression #Positivity #happy #Birthday #Jobs #YouCanDoIt #GoodVibes

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Probation periods on jobs

I think jobs need to revisit probation periods for jobs. Not being able to take off until 3 months or a year is a bit extreme. Perhaps giving folks the flexibility will change the climate of a job. Probation periods can feel like a punishment at some jobs. I get it you want stability so do I. There has to be a better way to do things.

#Jobs #Flexibility #probation #healthty #Work #Environment

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