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Positivity - It CAN be done!

I'm living with BPD and Bipolar Disorder, and now I've got two jobs. One as a Jr. PM/Executive Assistant and the other serving at this seafood restaurant. I never thought that was possible! I also want to go back to school and get my doctorate degree in organizational/industrial psychology.

I am so happy and excited! I moved out on my own and I'm exploring a new relationship. Just wanted to share the happy vibes with all of you!

Also, June 20th is my birthday! I'm so happy! 🏆 🏅🫶🏼💪🏼

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDisorder #ChronicDepression #Positivity #happy #Birthday #Jobs #YouCanDoIt #GoodVibes

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Getting through the Holidays

Be aware the Christmas can be triggering with the holiday get-together a, hanging out with relatives that have different views than you and siblings that you are so different from you you wonder if you share their DNA… #YouCanDoIt


Growing Pains

Back in the day,

We used to play outside till dawn

Now, we're just another government pawn

Back in the day,

We used to live, laugh & grow

Now, we are forced to work our asses off bro

What is this shit? (mind my language)

Death is a trap to try and get us to submit?

As kids, we couldn't wait to be adults

Now, I reflect and I am like that was truly nuts!

The days when we could cry and be comforted

Childhood turned to adulthood and those days plummeted

Now, we're struggling to make ends meet, Who would have thought, childhood was only a treat

But it's life,

So put away that knife

It is what it is -

God is good, all is his

Better days are ahead

So, go and continue to chase that bread!

#Life #resilience #NeverGiveUp #Suicide #SuicideAwareness #Selfharm #selfharmawareness #strength #courage #bravery #Independence #freedom #freedomwriters #useyourwords #expression #expressyourself #creativity #Deep #deepthinkers #bold #Spirituality #Meditation #Spiritual #calm #Zen #gowiththeflow #liveinthepresent #loa #TheSecret #manifest #manifestation #Positivity #PositiveVibes #GoodVibes #vibes #Energy #YouCanDoIt #Believe #Hope #Care #Empathy #compassion

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Keep Hope alive in your mind.#Faith #Hope #Believe

If you believe, Hanging on any bit of hope and staying positive is the key. It's what made me get through my hard times. Praying also. Well for me anyways. Never give up hope. #YouCanDoIt #try #Believe #Christianity #Grief #god #jesuslovesyou

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Follow your ‘star’! 👀🌟

It’s amazing the places that you can find inspiration: I was watching the film/movie ‘Dolphin Tale’ and I heard this line. I couldn’t help think of how easy it can be to lose sight of our goals (‘stars’) in life because of the difficulties we encounter along the way. No matter what you are going through, don’t give you on following your heart and your dreams. Your ‘star’ is always there, sometimes it’s hidden by the dark clouds that overshadow us at times but it’s always there. So have faith and keep following your ‘star’. 👀🌟😍💝
#CheckInWithMe #MightyMinute #52SmallThings #CheerMeOn #DistractMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #fndwarrior #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #JHSWarrior #ChronicIllness #chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #Chronicpainwarrior #Disability #MightyTogether #YouCanDoIt #bepositive


"You're not failing. You're fighting."

Something my counselor said to me today. Just thought someone else might need to hear it and wanted to pass it on. ❤️

#MightyTogether #MentalHealth #Fightingformylife #YouCanDoIt

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Steps toward healing

I just saw this image on Pinterest and knew I had to share it with this community. I so easily get caught up in all or nothing thinking and this is a helpful way to visualize how I'm reacting to things that will help me heal. I hope it is for you too.

#stepbystep #Healing #coping #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Trauma #narcissisticabusesurvivor #YouCanDoIt #Positivity