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What to do when somebody is really getting on your nerves?

The short answer for this is: Ignore them and walk out of their vicinity and if you are talking to them on the phone, just hang up on them, if you are on the phone on your job, just tell them you need to research something put them on hold for a few take some deep breaths get you mind back on track from their maybe irritating voice or them attempting to mother you or the situation trying to control the decision you make. Just take a deep breath and return back to the phone within 5 minutes or less and try to have a positive mind while answering the remainder of their questions, and if you are still not ok then after that call, take a quick bathroom break just to break free from the stress of the phone for a bit. #MentalHealth #Stress #JobStress

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How Your Job Can Impact Your Physical and Mental Health

People like to say, "It's just a job" but the reality is- we're at our jobs a majority of our week. And the fact of the matter is, our jobs can have a big impact on our mental health.

If you have ever worked a toxic job you know the toll a job can take on your mental and physical health.

Today's podcast guest became so physically sick from her job that she thought she had an undiagnosed disease or illness. She spent over a year going to different doctors and specialists only to discover what she was suffering from was poor mental health from her toxic job. Listen to today's podcast episode to learn how Anjum's job impacted her mental health and how she came up with a plan to leave her toxic job.

93. How Your Job Can Impact Your Physical and Mental Health ...

#MentalHealth #Burnout #JobStress #poormentalhealth #physicalsymptoms #somatization #mentalhealthpodcast

93. How Your Job Can Impact Your Physical and Mental Health - AccordingtoDes

Hello and welcome to my podcast, The Wellness Project with Des. On today’s episode, I speak with Anjum Bhandari about becoming physically sick from the stresses of her full-time job. I’m Desiree, a Mental Health Therapist that is passionate about helping people improve their mental health and live a healthy and fulfilled life. One way I do this […]

My employer takes his stress out on me

Double standards at work: when my boss is stressed, he behaves rudely towards me. He acts irritated when I approach him with a question. He barely suppresses an eye roll.

Meanwhile, he jokes around with the line cooks.

Today, he had to do a tasting party for which he was given only 24 hours' notice. They also wanted a photoroll of the menu items (which I made, quickly). Naturally, this meant eye rolls and shrugs and quick "what?!" all day long. Then he goes and makes a sexual joke with my coworkers.

I know that the only reason he does this is because I'm deaf. It would be physically harder for me to verbally establish boundaries in the moment.

He also has said that communication wasn't a prerequisite for working there, and I suppose this includes respect too.

I'm still learning more about my highly sensitive nature. So stress management is even more challenging at work when he's in one of his moods. I also have a tendency to absorb others' emotions, so I have to remind myself that his emotions are not mine.

It isn't easy right now. But I'm trying my best. And someday, the opportunity for a better situation will arrive.

#HighlySensitive #JobStress #HSP


I am so tired of uncertainty

I started a new job in July and all of my training has been online. I've really met no one in person other than the person who hired me. I work for a government agency and there is so much to learn and I'm so terrified of making mistakes. There are unique aspects of working for the government that I really didn't realize until now. And because of my past, I have easy triggers to wondering if I'm making mistakes. I feel like I am lost without a paddle and I've been trying to get a hold of a therapist for ages just to have someone to freaking talk to about it.
#MentalHealth #Anxiety #JobStress


2020 is Breaking Me....

Not sure how much fight I have left in me. 2020 has taken me from the exceptional super woman I had become to a scared , broken shell of a woman.

2020 has stripped every ounce of strength and confidence I had built back up since escaping the hell that was my life in 2015.

I’m losing everything that makes me who I am with no end in sight to this hell.

How much longer do I have to be strong for everyone else, before finally someone is strong for me? #MajorDepressiveDisorder
#Anxiety #PanicAttack #CheckInWithMe #SuicidalThoughts #COVID19 #Relationshipproblems #JobStress #Depression #IfYouFeelHopeless


Trying to be strong.

I’ve always been an anxious person and socially very anxious. With everything going on, I’ve been hanging on by a thread. Trying my usual distractions (games, videos, anything to get my mind off of my stressors).

My job has me go to multiple locations (albeit able to be socially distant at least). I’ve been lucky and able to keep to my neck of the woods (near enough between home and the office (a bit out of the way but close enough). Anyway, I’ve just got another assignment. All the way across the city (about an hour from home). I’m very grateful to have work (don’t even want to think about that) but I’ve always stressed on driving real distances. Not to mention I normally hate changes (I admit though my anxiety isn’t really about that). The thing is.

I hate highways. Tried a couple of times and felt my heart pounding out of my chest and couldn’t wait to get off and peel my hands off of the wheel. And it doesn’t help I’ve been in two accidents in the last 4 years (surface streets and other drivers fault).

I do want to just keep to surface streets (I’ll get there when I can and plan early). But does anyone have any suggestions to try to work through a feat like this? #Anxiety #JobStress #DrivingAnxiety #fears


Trying to be strong.

I’ve always been an anxious person and socially very anxious. With everything going on, I’ve been hanging on by a thread. Trying my usual distractions (games, videos, anything to get my mind off of my stressors).

My job has me go to multiple locations (albeit able to be socially distant at least). I’ve been lucky and able to keep to my neck of the woods (near enough between home and the office (a bit out of the way but close enough). Anyway, I’ve just got another assignment. All the way across the city (about an hour from home). I’m very grateful to have work (don’t even want to think about that) but I’ve always stressed on driving real distances. Not to mention I normally hate changes (I admit though my anxiety isn’t really about that). The thing is.

I hate highways. Tried a couple of times and felt my heart pounding out of my chest and couldn’t wait to get off and peel my hands off of the wheel. And it doesn’t help I’ve been in two accidents in the last 4 years (surface streets and other drivers fault).

I do want to just keep to surface streets (I’ll get there when I can and plan early). But does anyone have any suggestions to try to work through a feat like this? #Anxiety #JobStress #DrivingAnxiety #fears


Overwhelmed #Depression #Anxiety #JobStress

It's taking everything in my willpower to keep from isolating right now. I'm having a really tough bout of depression. I had my evaluation meeting at work yesterday and didn't get a very good score. Long story short: I've been unhappy and pretty sure this job wasn't for me for a while. I've been trying to come up with some other path and started poking around at other ideas.
I've reached the point where I dread waking up to go to work in the morning. The people are wonderful, it's not a bad environment, I have benefits. But I'm not cut out for legal secretary work and I cannot sit at a computer screen at a desk every day -- it is sucking the life out of me. It's been easy to lean on "oh, seasonal depression" with feeling awful for the past several months, but as the sun is starting to be more present, I can tell that it's not going to do much. My supervisors made notes in my evaluation that they do not forsee me being here long term. Which...neither do I, but it definitely hurts to read that. I feel so much shame. So much guilt. That I'm not good enough. And I'm trying hard to focus on the celebration of realizing I don't belong here. But the fear of change and what the hell am I going to do is crippling.
Just taking deep breaths and taking this opportunity to vent into a safe space.