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I'm feeling like a burden.

Extroverted people take so much space (that´s my experience in daily life).
For me as #HSP and introverted person, it feels like I have only little space to be myself.
It´s so challanging.....
I´m happy about the few uplifting social interactions. (Of course I wish there would be more of them.)

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I am a #HSP in which my emotions can sometimes get the better of me. I feel #overwhelmed by my surroundings and sometimes feel like I have to hide away. It helps to get away sometimes.. especially when there is too much emotional events taking place around me. I know I cannot watch the news, it's too much for me and I never know what to expect.

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Got no one

I hate where I live I hate my mental disability I feel so so low so so alone so down 24 7, im in so much mental pain. So much sadness. I have partner who says things like I embrace the sadness, I like being sad etc etc I want to leave but I can’t, I have no funds nor job no mental ability to do that. My family only help me and support me when they aren’t busy to talk but no of them help me properly in running away from my life of pain. I think I complain to much to people maybe. I feel so sad all the time. I’m waiting on new meds from the doctors and counciling but doubt it will cure it because it’s been 20 years from 13-33 years old. I wish I wasn’t alive but too sad to end the pain. Someone help me ;-( I feel so alone in this sadness I can’t cope with anything and just want to be loved and someone’s special person I just want to be happy and not so low all the time even when I appear happy. #depressed #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder ?? #sensitive #HSP #Caregiving #mood

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always remember to take some time to yourself as a HSP


being an empath and a HSP isnt easy..you deal with your emotions on top of other peoples emotions that you feel as your own..it can be very draining and you get overstimulated very easily and need to isolate to recharge.

i have been around negative people and literally could feel they're negativity..its not a good feeling..you feel extremely valnerable and its stressful..ive noticed the older i get the more stimulating fairs and parks are.. the more people im around..the more im going to feel..

its extremely important to take care of your mental health no matter who you are but you have to work extra hard at taking care of it as a HSP and an empathetic person.. remember:YOU GOT THIS ❤️

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With HSP and PTSD, noises at night of any kind send my mind spinning. And when I know the noise is coming from someone who is doing it intentionally, I become a person who no one wants to know. #HSP #PTSD #depressionandanxiety

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I'm new here

Just started with The Mighty and hope to join in on the conversation. I'm ADHD as well as undiagnosed Autism (feeling unhopeful at the moment that this will change because many are biased that only young boys have this problem). Looking forward to meeting others as well as giving support. #Autism #ADHD #HSP

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BIG Feelings

I think I'm highly sensitive and feel very deeply. I have hurt feelings very easily. I'm frequently deeply sad, regretful and can cry easily. I need help managing this

#emotional #HSP #hypersensitive #CPTSD #Sadness #dysregulation

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What is a boundary or need that’s important for you to share with others?

The more I reflect on my personal limits and emotional bandwidth as an HSP, the more I realize how important it is to share my needs and boundaries with others — especially to those I’m closest with.

Although it was uncomfortable at first, I’m continuously learning that being open, honest, and direct with what I can manage and handle is important to my mental and physical health. One of the biggest needs I share with my family in particular is that I get really exhausted while in crowded areas and have to rest when I get back home. Also, that change in environment can be overstimulating for me, so communication about a change in plans is important for me to know ahead of time so I can mentally prepare as much as possible.

As an HSP, what's a need or a boundary you have to share with others?

#HSP #CheerMeOn #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Empathy

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