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🩻 I’m back! 🩻

Sorry, I’ve been a bit absent recently! I hope you didn’t think I’d forgotten about you all? You’ll be glad to hear that my chiropractor fixed me so now I’m back (pun intended 🩻🤗🤣)!! My body may be held together by Kinesiology Tape but it helps when you can have some fun with it! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I’d be lost, in agony, and falling apart, without my amazing chiropractor!!
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How to best remove kinesiology tape? #kinesiologytape

Hey everyone. I have Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome and recently my Physical Therapist suggested K-Tape to help me keep my joints from moving during my exercises.

My problem is this: because of EDS my skin is EXTREMELY sensitive to tears and whenever I take the tape off it takes off skin and I end up bleeding. The attached picture shows how much came off my first attempt, the white part of the tape is me.
I’ve tried soaking it, I’ve tried soap, I’ve tried soaking it multiple days in a row and then pulling it off and it just leaves me bleeding.

What is the best way to remove this stuff? I’ve heard oil may help but I don’t know what kind is good for this.

Add on question: is there a guide somewhere on how to wear this stuff? Maybe I missed a step... #EhlersDanlosSyndrome