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🎉 I’M BACK!! 🎉

I’M BACK!! It’s been a very difficult few months as I have been dealing with several different issues and treatments for my health. Thankfully I am slowly recovering, feeling more like myself & will hopefully be posting more than I have been in recent months. I am very grateful to you all for their ongoing support & encouragement, it means more than I can say. Thank you all!

#FND #fndaware #fndwarrior #ChronicIllness #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Depression #ChronicFatigue #BackPain #MightyTogether

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My Continued Thanks 💝

This is just a short post to show my gratitude for your patience, support and understanding while I have been experiencing health challenges that have caused me to not post as much as I would like to, and usually do. As I’m sure you’re well aware of, living with chronic health conditions brings many challenges and I know that you will all be able to relate to the feelings of wanting to do something and actually having the physical ability to do it. Thank you all so much, I hope to be back soon. 🧡💙
#FunctionalNeurologicalSymptomDisorder #FND #fndaware #FNDAwareness #Fndlife #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #BackPain #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Migraine #Spoonie #Selfcare

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✅FND Bingo✅

FND Bingo is more than just a game or “a bit of fun” – it helps to raise awareness of #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder and also helps to demonstrate how this debilitating condition differs from one person to the next!
This ‘FND Bingo Card’ – created by the fantastic’functionallyjess’ of Instagram – has meant that thousands of people from across the globe have been able to share their ‘Bingo Cards’ of symptoms.
Here is a blank ‘FND Bingo Card’ for anyone who is interested in joining in both playing FND Bingo and also raising #FNDAwareness .
To play:
* Save the ‘Bingo Card’ where you can edit the picture (for example your photos on your phone).
* Edit the picture by adding a tick, a line, anything to highlight the symptom(s) you have.
* Post your completed ‘FND Bingo Card’ to your social media accounts.

#FND #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FNDBingo #fndhope #fndhopeuk #FNDAwareness #fndaware #FNDAwareness2023 #FNDsymptoms #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorderAwareness

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🩻 I’m back! 🩻

Sorry, I’ve been a bit absent recently! I hope you didn’t think I’d forgotten about you all? You’ll be glad to hear that my chiropractor fixed me so now I’m back (pun intended 🩻🤗🤣)!! My body may be held together by Kinesiology Tape but it helps when you can have some fun with it! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I’d be lost, in agony, and falling apart, without my amazing chiropractor!!
#functionneurologicaldisorder #FND #fndwarrior #fndaware #fndhope #fndhopeuk #fndaction #FNDAwareness #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #Hypermobility #HypermobilitySyndrome #HypermobilityWarrior #JointPainWarrior #Jointpain #JointPainRelief #JointHypermobilityAwareness #ChronicFatigue #EhlersDanlosSyndrome
#ChronicPain #Chronicpainwarrior #ChronicPainRelief #ChronicHeadaches #ChronicMigraines #chronic #ChronicIllness #Painrelief #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #dryneedling #dryneedlingtherapy #Acupuncture #kinesiologytape #kinesiology #kinesiologytaping #ktaping #ktaped #SpoonTheory #Spoonie #SpoonieProblems

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The Short Answer! 😂

I think I’ve found the answer I’m going to give the next time someone asks me “What’s wrong with you?” This answer is so much shorter, and easier to understand, than trying to explain what FND (Function Neurological Disorder) actually is, especially since so few people have actually heard of it. What’s that saying? “If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.”? Well, I have had my fair share of crying, now it’s time to laugh again! 😂💝
#FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FND #fndaware #fndhope #fndhopeuk #LetsTalkFND #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MightyTogether #CheerMeOn #MakeMeLaugh #EnjoyTheLittleThings #LetsLaughTogether #ShareTheLaughter

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Nobody should feel this way!

Have you ever been ill or injured and thought to yourself “there’s no point in going to see a doctor, or going to a hospital, because they can’t help me”? Imagine doing that with every, single, health issue or injury that arises. That’s what it’s like for people with FND. Except that we have 2 main reasons for not seeking medical attention:
1) we don’t think that the doctor/hospital can help us,
2) over 80% of us feel so dismissed by medical professionals that we don’t think we deserve their help.
That is why it is so important for us to raise awareness of this condition. It destroys lives, relationships, careers… and yet very few people have heard of FND, and even fewer understand it (and that includes the people living with the condition). Most of the information and support that people with FND receive is from each other, and from amazing charities like FND Hope and peer-to-peer support from groups like The Mighty rather than our medical teams. It’s definitely time for a change, nobody should be too worried to seek medical help, regardless of the reason. 🧡💪🏻
#FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #fndhope #fndaware #FND2021 #LetsTalkFND #Disability #MightyTogether #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #CheerMeOn #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #JHSAware

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💅 Pretty Little Things 💅

I have always loved having pretty looking nails, it always makes me feel better. I used to bite my nails as a kid and my mum tried everything to get me to stop but nothing worked. Then she decided to paint my nails one day and they looked so pretty that it didn’t want to mess them up so I didn’t bite at my nails. Such a simple solution to what is a tricky habit to break. Since then I have always liked getting my nails done, but 4 years ago FND robbed my of the ability to go to a nail salon and have my nails painted and designed. So, since I don’t use nail extensions, I decided to take things into my own hands… literally, and started trying out different designs on my nails. It worked rather well because I had pretty nails again and it also gave me a way to still be creative and artistic too. It might take me a while to do my nails because of my health but I still get there in the end and that gives me a sense of accomplishment. These are some of my favourite creations that I’ve done and I’m sure I will have more along the way. It might seem like a small thing but it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. 💅😍🥳
#52SmallThings #MightyMinute #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder
#FND #fndaware #FNDAwareness #FND2021 #fndhope #fndhopeuk #LetsTalkFND #fndwarrior #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #JHS #JHSAwareness #JHSWarrior #ChronicIllness #chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicPain #Chronicpainwarrior #Disability #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #creativetherapy #NailArtTherapy #ItsTheLittleThings

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🧡 World FND Month - April 2021! 🧡

Even though this condition is the second most common neurological disorder that neurologist see, most people with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) are passed from pillar to post, spend years stuck on one waiting list after another, endure test after test after test, before eventually getting a diagnosis. This was also the case for me, and it took over 2 years before I was diagnosed with FND. Once you finally get a diagnosis of FND, you are then faced with a whole different set of problems - there’s no cure, there’s no effective treatments, hardly anyone (including many medical professionals) have ever heard of the condition and even fewer understand it. Which means that you feel that you are constantly having to explain yourself and the condition over and over again. All of which makes it even more difficult on the person with FND and it’s time that changes, so let’s raise awareness of FND and break the stigma attached to it. #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FND #fndhope #fndaware #FND2021 #LetsTalkFND #FNDAwarenessMonth #Disability #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #MightyMinute #CheerMeOn #MightyTogether #ChronicIllness #ChronicIllnessAware #ChronicPain #ChronicPainAware #SpoonTheory #SpoonieProblems

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7 Ways I Adjusted to Chronic Illness to Help get on with my life TIps , Day 1

When I was first diagnosed, I was in a dark place. I knew it wasn’t an option to stay there.

When I was diagnosed with functional neurologicaldisorder(FND) in 2019, the door to my old life slam closed. Though I was born with FND, I wasn’t truly disabled by the symptoms until I was 16 17 ish , as is common with connective tissue, autoimmune, and other chronic illnesses.

In other words? One day you’re “normal” and then suddenly, you’re sick.

I spent much of 2019 in a dark place emotionally, processing a lifetime of misdiagnosis and grieving some of the career and life dreams that I was forced to let go of. Depressed and in constant pain, I fight constantly living with, I wanted something different with my life an i finally decided i wanted help to live with a chronically ill life cause thats was the cards I was delt .

Unfortunately, much of what I found in online FND groups and forums was discouraging. It seemed everyone else’s bodies and lives were falling apart just like mine.

I wanted a guidebook to instruct me .

These are 7 tips I found that I wanted to share.

1. I didn’t, really — but that’s OK

Of course it took over my life! I had so many doctors to see and tests to get done. I had so many questions, concerns, fears.

Give yourself permission to be lost in your diagnosis — I find that it helps to set a finite amount of time (3 to 6 months). You’re going to cry a lot and you’re going to have setbacks. Accept where you’re at and expect that this will be a huge adjustment.

When you’re ready, you can get to work on adapting your life.

Day 1 of 7 (full list on my blog ) please share if u find these helpful!.
#fndaware #disabilityawareness #disabilitytips #TheMighty #fndusa #ChronicIllness #Spoonie