I LOVE YOU, ZOFRAN! #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD
I LOVE YOU, ZOFRAN!!! Zofran is a prescription anti-nausea/vomiting medication. It's usually what they give you in the hospital bc of nausea. I have #CrohnsDisease , #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease and #UlcerativeColitis . My symptoms are generally nausea and general stomach #Malaise . I've been nauseous for the past 2 days, and I think it's from eating too much bread, but I'm not completely sure. Zofran takes me from trying to convince myself it's okay to throw up because I KNOW I'm going to throw up whether I want to or not (But I could at least do it on my terms): "Okay. If I just go throw up I'll feel better. I can do this...," to feeling 100% better, and I'll actually forget I was even nauseous in the first place. I wish Zofran was OTC. There is NO med I've tried that works as well at stopping #nausea , except for Promethazine and #CBD suppositories. I'm just grateful to have any Zofran at all. #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #stomachissues #nausea #Medication
*I know: Not everyone thinks meds are okay
*I'm sure Zofran has side effects, but it works for me
*Everyone is allowed to do what works for them, which is fine