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Advice on how to survive family dinner when you can't eat without pain.

Hi I'm new to the mighty and I am in need of some advice! I have diagnosed Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Central Sensitization Syndrome, Endometriosis and Symptomaticly diagnosed POTS (waiting for appointment with cardiologist) and I am going for a late holiday dinner with my grandma, aunt parents and my spouse. Now like alot of granny's she loves to makesure everyone eats enough. Except for me eating is extremely painful and makes me get monsterously bloated and my fatigue gets bad as POTS makes you feel all wonky after eating. But she always keeps insisting. Currently I have one small meal a day of chicken and potatoes as they cause the least pain. So does anyone have any advice of how to nicely, make her understand that I simply can't eat all the food the others eat? #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #stomachissues

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I LOVE YOU, ZOFRAN! #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD

I LOVE YOU, ZOFRAN!!! Zofran is a prescription anti-nausea/vomiting medication. It's usually what they give you in the hospital bc of nausea. I have #CrohnsDisease , #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease and #UlcerativeColitis . My symptoms are generally nausea and general stomach #Malaise . I've been nauseous for the past 2 days, and I think it's from eating too much bread, but I'm not completely sure. Zofran takes me from trying to convince myself it's okay to throw up because I KNOW I'm going to throw up whether I want to or not (But I could at least do it on my terms): "Okay. If I just go throw up I'll feel better. I can do this...," to feeling 100% better, and I'll actually forget I was even nauseous in the first place. I wish Zofran was OTC. There is NO med I've tried that works as well at stopping #nausea , except for Promethazine and #CBD suppositories. I'm just grateful to have any Zofran at all. #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #stomachissues #nausea #Medication
*I know: Not everyone thinks meds are okay
*I'm sure Zofran has side effects, but it works for me
*Everyone is allowed to do what works for them, which is fine

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My dog Prince 🐶 #

Love my pets! Always there to put a smile on my face through the toughest times. POTS has really affected my stomach issues and made them worse, so having my adorable pets as a support system helps me get through the bad days🐶❤️ #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #stomachissues #stomachproblems #Depression #mentalhealthawareness #TherapyPets

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#ChronicIllness & Food

It makes me crave all kinds of stuff it won't let me eat. If I try to, I get two bites in and it all goes bad. It's no fun. For more, follow me here or on other social media under Written by Dida or visit the link in my profile #FoodProblems #stomachissues #digestiveissues #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #ChronicIllness #InvisibleIllness #spooniewarrior #Fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #fibrowarrior

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#ChronicIllness & #FoodProblems

Food and I have a love/hate relationship. For several years now, I've been very limited on what I can eat, and it gets progressively worse. I am now to where I end up eating the exact same thing for months because it's the only thing that doesn't make me sick. It's exhausting. For more, follow me here or on other social media under writtenbydida or visit the link in my profile #ChronicIllness #stomachissues #InvisibleIllness #chronicpainawareness #chronicillnesswarrior #spooniewarrior #Spoonie #Fibromyalgia #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #cfsme #nausea

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3 Christmas’s now without my kids #Depression #missmykids

Was with a narcissist for 19 years and to loose him meant I had to to also loose my kids who I was very close to. Now they see me as the evil mother who walked out on them and on her responsibilities and who should have sacrificed her life for them. they have learnt a lot of hurtful words and come backs. I have 2 boys aged now 20 and 15 and a 19 year old daughter.
I miss them each and every day and cry at least 2 times a week but mood is always down. I don’t know how my husband of now 4 months puts up with me. #sickofmylife #hatemyex #Anxiety #stomachissues #hospitalised #Breakdowns
people don’t see what happens behind #closeddoors. they see a beautiful picture and assume all is well in the world.
don’t judge me till you have walked in my shoes. I can’t believe that some people have kids and treat them horribly while others are dying to see their kids with no hope of a chance. I miss you Niki, Bella , Gabby. very much!!!