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Bipolar, psychosis, recovery and faith

I was diagnosed with bipolar aged 25. I was diagnosed just before what would be a two year stint of psychosis and mania that would see me get sectioned four times. This only confirmed the diagnosis to me and those looking after me. Although it was a chaotic time and I wouldn’t want to go back, it allowed me to access therapies and medications that I may not have been able to access had I not been so poorly. It shouldn’t take you being at your worst to get the help you need, but that is the world we live in and even sometimes when you are at your worst you still don’t get heard. I am forever grateful I had my family and particularly my Mam looking after me. She was my voice when I could not speak and although I was very unhappy about even just her presence when I was in hospital, I think that was more a sign of how unwell I was more than anything. I really was glad for her constant visits.

I was not sane of mind. I was hearing voices and those voices were saying I had to leave the hospital and go to Saudi Arabia. I was telling the doctors, “I’m not going home with my Mam. I have to go to Saudi.” I believed I would be safe there from the people who wanted to harm me. I had changed my name and forged a new signature. Sometimes, when I tell people about it now they can’t believe it because I seem so well. And I am in a good place really. I’m a million miles away from where I was back then. If I could take a pill to assure I never go back there I would, but I can’t so instead I take an antipsychotic in the hopes it will do the same.

The thing is, antipsychotics aren’t magic. They can’t assure you will never get sectioned again. They are actually very risky drug to take long term. I have many side effects from taking them at such high doses. Those that I will live with for the rest of my life. Do I still have bad days? Of course. Do I still have bad thoughts? Well, yes. I’ve spent four months of my life hospitalised. It’s bound to affect me. But I’ll do my damndest to make sure I never go back. And if taking an antipsychotic each day makes that difference then I’ll do it.

I know many people with bipolar hate taking medication, for various reasons, but I have seen it for myself; these people unfortunately tend to end up back in hospital. I don’t want to live my life this way. Going in and out of hospital changes you, you lose friends and family, you lose yourself, you hurt people, you hurt yourself. It's not a smooth process. It’s not an easy life to lead. You have to readjust to society. In some ways hospital can be a comfort blanket. You get medication that you might not get in the community, you get fed and watered but that’s it. You can’t stay there forever and you will always have to face the consequences when you come out.

When I came out of hospital the last time that was when the real work started. I was about five stone heavier than when I first went into hospital eighteen months earlier. The antipsychotics had increased my appetite big style and I was being injected with them by force at the highest dose. I had no control over my weight and it was affecting my self esteem. I already had an eating disorder so this was really difficult for me in particular.

On top of this, I had the sudden realisation that the past two years of my life were based on a lie. That I had been telling everyone around me they were making things up and were in the wrong but in fact it was me. It was gut wrenching. How could it be? I genuinely believed my neighbours were stalking me. Stealing money from me. That’s just the start of it. I could write a book, a dissertation on all of the things I believed that weren’t true. They were so intricate and detailed. I can’t fathom how my brain would or could make those things up. Why would my mind work against me like that, I don’t know.

Even to this day, I can get emotional about it. My bipolar has been in my life since I was a teen. My bipolar has led me to multiple suicide attempts. My bipolar has caused me to steal, lie and cheat. My bipolar has lost me friends. My bipolar has left me homeless. My bipolar has lost me two years of my life. My bipolar has seen me hospitalised.

The list goes on. But despite all this, I keep going. Life goes on and I shake it off and keep moving.

If you have bipolar, psychosis or another severe mental health condition and are having a hard time. Know that you can keep going. Life will throw stuff at you. Sometimes it will be horrible. But we’ve just got to keep going. Keep on, keeping on if you can. Too many of us couldn’t.

When you’re experiencing psychosis, your memories feel so raw. You relive every moment of your life but at a million miles an hour and then wonder why those around you aren’t doing the same. Then you get locked up and then there is nothing left to do but think about all those moments that become memories that will soon become dots because you will either become too ill to function or those who you used to socialise with and call friends or even family won’t want to anymore because they’ve seen you at your worst and they aren’t here for it.

People say they support mental health and people should talk more until it lands on their own doorstep. I’m not saying they are right or wrong. It’s hard to deal with, but at least they weren’t living with it like my family had to. At least they could walk away. And I bear no grudges. I understand. I’ve got friends in the system now and it can be challenging talking to them when they don’t know what’s what. It is a really sad time because at times it feels like they will never get better, but you have to have hope. You have to have faith in people. If you don’t have that then what do we really have left at all?

#Bipolar #Psychosis #BipolarDisorder #Recovery #MentalHealth #sectioned #hospitalised #Faith

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Three panic attacks in one day

I’ve had three panic attacks. All from the same trigger. My mom and the fact she has the car I use and pay the insurance on and pay for 90% of repairs on and put gas in the tank. She won’t give me the number to the mechanic she says she doesn’t need to. Won’t tell me the name of the mechanic working on said car. I tried 6 different mechanics around their area where I think they live. She lives with her boyfriend who won’t let me know where they live. None of the 6 mechanics had the car. I reached my breaking point today I destroyed a piece of wood and the panic attacks were triggered because I tried calling her to see if they had heard anything they kept telling me they could be calling right then and there at that very second and that I was holding up the line and the fact that I had to tell my work that I couldn’t come in and I have a very irrational fear of getting fired. I told her she must hate me for her to treat me the way she does. That’s how I feel right now. She told me that if I hate her it’s my problem not hers. I don’t hate her I’m angry and frustrated at her and I’m just coming off a long hypo manic episode. Don’t know what to do now I’m just tired and have a migraine

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I don’t know how much longer I can take 😔

For years I’ve felt insecure about my physical appearance never liking the way I look. I found out why I feel this way… I have BPD. When I see other people either in public or on social media I always compare myself. I start thinking to myself - “I’m so fat and ugly, why cant I be skinny and pretty like her” And I start to feel even more depressed than I already am. My biggest insecurities are my double chin and big belly.
I have negative self talk and no matter how many people tell me I look fine I can never feel that way. The only time I feel good about myself is when I’m having a manic episode then I eventually crash and start feeling bad about myself again… also when I wear a good amount of makeup or use filters. I don’t know if/ when I’ll get over these extreme body image issues & insecurities.

Not to mention I’m not sleeping well cuz I’m having withdrawals from an antidepressant I’ve been on for a while. I’m staying up late night and crying til I fall asleep. I’m having a hard time functioning on a daily basis. Worse isomnia, frequent manic episodes, crying more, emotional numbness, more depressed and anxious, restless, racing thoughts/ suicidal thoughts,

#Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar1

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Bipolar depression

Hello everyone. Enjoying depression this week. Yaaaaaaay. Good times. Tired but don't want to sleep at night. Tired don't want to wake up in the morning. Getting dinner feels like more trouble than it's worth but if I don't eat all day I enjoy nausea first thing in the morning. Miss my ex. Hate my job. Hate my boss. Hate my home. Hate the weather. Hate a lot of things that I'm too lethargic to address. When I'm happy I can't understand how I could have been so sad with all the good in my life, and when I'm sad I can't understand how I could have been happy with all the bad in my life. The amazing power of mania and depression. I don't feel like it's going to get worse, even though in my experience it always gets way worse before it gets better. My feelings are lies but I can't help but believe them.#BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #Depression #Mania

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Just expanding upon a thought

Perhaps those of us with bipolar could quell the onset of a treatment-resistant episode by consciously taking affirmations and turning them into negations, i.e., I am worthy of self-love becomes I am unworthy of self-love. Then, when the mania starts to give way to the descent into depression, we revert to the affirmations to keep things as balanced as possible. Just a thought. I think it's a great one though I have a feeling unless you've experienced mania before you'd disagree. This of course assumes that the negative words would have any effect at all on how you feel if you're already manic, other than irritation.#BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Mania

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Not looking forward to the comedown

Even with the meds this manic episode is pretty high. I have my family to thank for that...they really ought to know better. Not eating until the evening then barfing up dinner, going overboard on kratom and nicotine, cleaning like I'm possessed, spending lots of money, getting hair-brained ideas, playing dress up, thinking dead relationships are salvageable, singing vulgar songs all day, throwing angry tantrums, and of course sleeping very little. I need to prepare for the worst case scenario of losing all will to live when it swings the other way. I wonder if I could convince myself to be depressed so it's not such a nasty shift later? #BipolarDisorder #ManicEpisode #BipolarDepression #AnorexiaNervosa #BulimiaNervosa

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Not looking forward to the comedown

Even with the meds this manic episode is pretty high. I have my family to thank for that...they really ought to know better. Not eating until the evening then barfing up dinner, going overboard on kratom and nicotine, cleaning like I'm possessed, spending lots of money, getting hair-brained ideas, playing dress up, thinking dead relationships are salvageable, singing vulgar songs all day, throwing angry tantrums, and of course sleeping very little. I need to prepare for the worst case scenario of losing all will to live when it swings the other way. I wonder if I could convince myself to be depressed so it's not such a nasty shift later? #BipolarDisorder #ManicEpisode #BipolarDepression #AnorexiaNervosa #BulimiaNervosa

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Possibly Bipolar

Hi! I have anxiety and seasonal depression. I have had 2 friends suggest that I might be bipolar & I’ve taken a screening online that was a high score for hypo mania.
I haven’t officially been diagnosed but wondering if it would be helpful for me.
Share your thoughts and experiences below. Thanks 😊 #Anxiety #BipolarDepression

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Easy going vs Empath

I made an observation this morning when I was a ball of negative energy. My mother and sister said angry and cruel things to me the day before yesterday. I carried that sick energy with me to work. Easy going individuals at work were able to dispell some of that energy and create a more positive flow. I was grateful for this because as an empath I channel and multiply the energy directed towards me--so if you're kind I will let you know how special and deserving of love you are, but if on the other hand you bite me enough, I will eventually use my stored venom and you will pray that I snap your neck in my vice-like jaws before you die a slow and agonizing death as the poison reaches your heart. It makes me wonder if the only reason I need mood stabilizers #to prevent this is because I have to deal with people who are the REAL ones who need to be medicated. As it is I channel my anger to the intangible groups of people, sounds, smells sights and feelings throughout the day because I use pills to restrain myself from the aggressive course of action that feels natural and justifiable. In conclusion, (insert--offensive-explicit-provocational-language).#BipolarDisorder #Mania

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I don't know who, why, or if I'm asking

I don't know who, why or if I'm asking

But is tomorrow necessary at all?

I don't know who, why or if I'm asking

But if the beauty just withers was it there at all?

The red-eyed screams the ways we bleed

Melt a sonnet on a sword

The empty feats the motionless dreams

Was it all just empty words?

I don't know who, why or if I'm asking

But is tomorrow necessary at all?

I don't know who, why or if I'm asking

But if the beauty just withers was it there at all?

Once so real but now I feel the floor will let me fall

Nobody listens for my call

They're not here and I've given up the fear

That never had the legs to crawl #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #Mania #dissociativedisorders

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