I have schizoaffective disorder, adjustment disorder and borderline personality disorder. Without my meds I'm depressed, paranoid, manic, and I hear screaming in my head. Between the ages of 5 to 35 I attempted suicide 24 times and I was hospitalized inpatient 8 times and I lost count of how many times I went to a non hospital treatment facility. I've got scars on both ankles where I scraped and gouged my fingernails until I hit bone when I was manic.
My reality is not pretty. But since January of 2020 I've been the most stable and happy I've ever been. I've got a clear mind. I don't have constant suicidality. I don't self harm. But the last week before the next dose of my meds is rough. My depression creeps back in, the paranoia, the manic episodes.
And when I get a new diagnosis, I spend weeks researching. I'll spend hours, and when I'm hungry or need to go potty I tell myself "10 more minutes.." and the next thing you know an hour has gone by.
It's not just depression. My mom doesn't believe that I have these disorders. And she's so judgemental. My friends want me to cut ties but then I'd have no family. I try my best to establish healthy boundaries. I do my best. But my day to day is a nightmare. I just wish people understood.