Photo Credit. @ArtOfPoets via/ Instagram #MentalHealth #mentalhealthhack #Love
i don’t know where I’d be without my awesome pets. this is max and he cuddles up under me especially on my bad days. i have a smaller kitten named Bella and a 3 year old dachshund cocker spaniel mixed puppy. On my bad days they all climb in bed with me. we watch Disney plus and fall asleep. they are like little best friends that just get me. if you don’t have a pet i strongly suggest getting one. they are super helpful when dealing with major depressive disorders. they know just when to snuggle and hug you in all the right places ❤️ #petsastherapy #catlover #DepressiveDisorders #mentalhealthhack #MentalHealthHero
There's a lot of advice floating around on the internet along the lines of: "Please reach out for help if you're struggling." But reaching out is often easier said then done.
So lets help ourselves and help others. Share your #mentalhealthhack for when it's hard for you to ask for help.
#Recovery #IfYouFeelHopeless #Schizophrenia #MoodDisorders #Psychosis #Mania #Trauma #EmotionalAbuse
#Depression #Anxiety #Suicide #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #IntrusiveThoughts #Selfharm #EatingDisorders #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder