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Am I a huge nerd.. or are my friends spenders??? #Clueless #stickershock #Omg #Parenting #Caregiver #CowdenSyndrome

Ok.. so a young man and young woman choose to get married. They are setting up their first apartment and preparing for a wedding. How much does an engagement ring cost. Please specify if this is with the cost of the stone or just the setting.. cause I’m freaking out here just a little

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Live Tv

OMG Omg omg omg omg

I just had a phone call from my vitamin company asking me if I'd like to go live on air on Thursday 🤯

To talk about the products I buy and to answers questions about them 🤷‍♀️😳

As I have half of my face covered in lidocaine patches and can hardly talk without It causes me excruciating pain. I had to say no.

Also my anxiety just would be way to high. But wow oh wow.
I so wanted to say yes.
I have never ever ever wanted to be on the TV ever.

I'm just not that sort of person.
But I so wanted to say yes.
To step out of my comfort zone and do something I've never done before. Even if I looked like a right Wally.
It's only On sky and Youtube 😅🙋‍♀️

Hands up who would have said yes🙋‍♀️
And who would have said no🤦‍♀️
I hope they phone me another time.
They are a fantastic company.

Hope you are having a great day.
This sure cheered me up.
😁😘🤗 #live TV #Vitamins #Comfort #comfortzone #Steppingout #Omg #Lidocaine #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #ClusterHeadaches #RareDisease #CheckInWithMe #Bekindtoyourself #Kindness #nojudgement #Bekind #Love #Family