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Toxoplasmosis #RareDiseases #Undiagnosed #parasite

I believe my kids and I have toxoplasmosis and no one will believe me. My children are having seizures and randomly falling down, but I keep being told I'm crazy due to my mental health history.
I dont know what to do. I'm scared for my kids.


Why Lyme disease sucks a whole bag of d**k...

In November I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Not your basic "Oh I got bitten by a tick and my doctor put me on a 3 week course of doxy and now I'm all better", but chronic Lyme's disease. The sort where you can't remember what you said a minute ago, you're aching and exhausted 24/7, to the point you can't cry anymore, and you feel like a living corpse, with joints that dislocate biweekly, swell daily, and migraines that last full weeks.

It took 3 years of pestering my doctor, being misdiagnosed with a series of illnesses and being prescribed literal poison, before finally getting the answer I needed. In that time, I have developed chronic fatigue syndrome, crohns disease, symptoms of fibromyalgia and hypermobility, constant nausea and headaches, intolerances to food groups, slowed metabolism, fluctuations in weight, allergies, cluster illnesses like impetigo, pneumonia and bronchitis, spells of psychosis and hallucinations, sciatica, nerve damage and severe memory loss and brain fog.

Please educate yourselves on this horrible parasite. It may seem harmless, but it causes lasting damage and can attack all bodily systems, including cns and musculoskeletal systems, and cause neurological damage.

Please prevent it by learning about it, and protect yourselves by taking care with any insect bites (not just ticks). It's hikacked my body and I'd do anything to go back to how I was 12 months ago.

#lymesdiseaseawareness #lymeawareness #lymesdiseasehijackedmybody #LymeDisease #lymelife #LymeWarrior #lymediseasewarrior #lymedontkillmyvibe #ChronicIllness #CrohnsDisease #Fibromyalgia #executivedisfunction #BrainFog #Migraine #Insomnia #parasite #Hypermobility #exhaustion #nausea


To be or to say ah fuck it for today #Love #parasite #give

I've noticeably gone done hill over the years. Going form an outdoor enthusiast hiking every weekend, to someone that looks at nice pics on the net.  Being as strong as a bear to being in bed most days takes a toll on the psyche. But I'm also a realist; I still have a good mind and like to use it.  I knew I would hit this low point of physical shit, just hoping it would have been much later.  

I look at the guy that just got his leg torn off in a car accident. To my
paralyzed friend I've got to know over the years. I have nothing to complain about when examining others and there challenges. I'll push and pull, my way thru life doing as I can.

I think the biggest pet peeve I have is with the lack of understanding of those who don't know what it is like to suffer. The constant, 'Are you okay, can I do anything.' I know people mean well but damn. My fav reply as late is, 'If I'm not face down I'm doing well. And if I am face down, role me over.'

I still can remember the last day I had no pain. Whether you suffer from mental illness and brain chemistry being out of whack, to your nervous system being eaten by stealth pathogens. Or other issues, I've seen people that cursed to be empathic and feeling everyone with in hundreds of miles. I can only imagine the weight on them. Whatever your challenges are, I hope you remeber a day here and there where life was almost perfect.