today I watched separated siblings bond. decades apart in age their only commonality is a father, different mothers and different upbringings to say the least. watching this I realized how shallow my bonds to my own siblings are in comparison. my brother and I don’t share a fond family story, or commonly told history despite sharing the same house for our entire childhood. we lack the narrative that these separated but related sibs are sharing. I’m watching this bond formulate over stories about their common father even though all three have different mothers and from the outside it seems so much more deep and natural than anything I have ever felt for my own blood family. I’m so happy for their connection on the generous part of my heart. and the selfish part says why don’t I have those feelings for my own blood. is this confirmation that I am truly flawed? that family just is not something that I will be able to engage in? it both warms my heart with gladness for theincinnection and confirms my worst fears that all of that warmth is not something that I can bring myself to feel.