Who needs a smile
I feel like anyone who read my previous post will need a smile, so I give you Benji💕 He's the light of my life and makes me smile everyday☀️ so I hope he does the same for you all💕 #ReasonstoSmile #dogsareamazing #TherapyDog
I feel like anyone who read my previous post will need a smile, so I give you Benji💕 He's the light of my life and makes me smile everyday☀️ so I hope he does the same for you all💕 #ReasonstoSmile #dogsareamazing #TherapyDog
Food can be decisive during these times. I always feel guilty when I have to say “no” to someone’s dish at gatherings - and often like I have to explain that there are just simply things I cannot eat, or have contamination of. But, it’s important to remember, we owe no one an apology or explanation! My ‘go-to’, to smooth over holiday meals, is to bring a safe alternative for myself. My favorite? Twice baked potatoes! 🤤😍
#MoonlightLaughter #MoonlightLaughterProject #ReasonstoSmile #PlantingPeace #laughteristhebestmedicine #coping #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #youarenotalone #autoimmune #AutoimmuneDisease #ImmuneDeficiency #neurology #NeurologicalDisorder #urology #GIDiseases #Undiagnosed
“‘Tis the season for cold weather, for colds & flus, for aches and pains, for balance issues, for stressful social situations, for wishing to belong, for wanting to start the new year strong.
But while this season can feel grim, it’s important to remember life’s little wins. Whether they’re big or small, one step at a time or them all.
A moment of laughter, a moment of fun, a second of a smile, and feeling like someone - can make a moment larger than you, seem more beautiful than the earth is blue.”
#MoonlightLaughterProject #ReasonstoSmile #PlantingPeace #laughteristhebestmedicine #coping #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #youarenotalone #autoimmune #AutoimmuneDisease #RaynaudsPhenomenon #sjogrens #ImmuneDeficiency #neurology #NeurologicalDisorder #Migraine #Headache #Neuropathy #Fibromyalgia #urology #InterstitialCystitis #GIDiseases #CeliacDisease #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #RareDiseases #Undiagnosed #Cats #Holidays
Sometimes it’s hard to look past symptoms, pain, everyday stressers, bad news, and added self-care tasks. I often feel like a one-man-band managing at least two self-care task/homeopathic health habits from 10 different doctors/healthcare providers. And, though it feels daunting, I try to keep perspective - They’re are so many of you (Mighties) that have even grimmer circumstances and I’m sincerely in awe of your strengths. There is one thing I think connects all of our stories beyond diagnoses and treatment plans, for mental or physical health... we move forward. We move forward for love, for laughter, for life’s little moments, for all of our hopes, and for all of our pending questions.
I hope moving forward can be a brighter experience, filled with more seconds of smiles, laughter, and connections. I hope the happy tears somehow outweigh the sad tears. And, I hope that, if anything, this is a start to something that plants peace in more than my own mind.
I can’t promise this will be a perfect project, but it’ll be one done with love.
- Luna
#MoonlightLaughter #MoonlightLaughterProject #ReasonstoSmile #PlantingPeace #laughteristhebestmedicine #coping #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #youarenotalone #autoimmune #AutoimmuneDisease #ImmuneDeficiency #neurology #NeurologicalDisorder #urology #GIDiseases #Undiagnosed