Diagnosed with Pots syndrome today #LivingWithPOTS #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome
Hey everyone, I spent the night in resus today but i'm finally back home now! my diagnosis was pots syndrome, i have had that written in my journal previously for a long time as one of my suspected illnesses turns out i was indeed correct, so now I'm even more convinced I'm right about the neuropathy and ms too. The doctor has reffered me back to cardiology as i was discharged from the service a few months ago. I'm waiting to hear back from my gp about my recent blood work and my refferal to neurology, this a&e doctor was great although he did say try not to come in to a&e for irregular heartbeats unless it's serious & to flag it and tell me gp, which just left me wondering how I'm supposed to know when it's serious or not,i guess I'll learn how to tell eventually, He admitted it looks like i have various conditions that need to be found. One diagnosis down and I'm actually happy, it explains so much!!!! #ChronicPain #Relieved #POTS #nervoussystem