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Wellbutrin SR vs XL #Medicationstruggle

Has anyone has troubles decreasing from Wellbutrin XL to Wellbutrin SR?

I am brain foggy, hungry and tired as heck.


Having trouble with medication management?

I go through bouts of feeling well. Then I think I don't need the meds and within a week I've crashed and scurry to add the medications back into my routine. Now granted there are also time where I feel like these medications aren't working and I'm just putting these pills in my body for no reason. Theres got to be a better way of coping with the meds. Tired of going in cycles. Any recommendations welcome on keeping a medicine routine. #MentalHealth #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #Medicationstruggle


Has anyone with medication sensitivity tried Savella or other Fibro-specific meds?

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a couple of weeks ago. I've spent the last 5 years trying to find the right medication regimen for my chronic depression and anxiety, but I became so sensitive to all of the medications that I had to have TMS therapy instead. My rheumatologist wants me to talk to my psychiatrist about Savella. I see the psychiatrist next week and am torn on what I should do. The pain and fatigue are getting unmanageable, but I am afraid of reentering the rat-race of anti-depressants and don't want to undo the progress that I've made with TMS.
#Fibromyalgia #Medicationstruggle


Has anyone with medication sensitivity tried Savella or other Fibro-specific meds?

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a couple of weeks ago. I've spent the last 5 years trying to find the right medication regimen for my chronic depression and anxiety, but I became so sensitive to all of the medications that I had to have TMS therapy instead. My rheumatologist wants me to talk to my psychiatrist about Savella. I see the psychiatrist next week and am torn on what I should do. The pain and fatigue are getting unmanageable, but I am afraid of reentering the rat-race of anti-depressants and don't want to undo the progress that I've made with TMS.
#Fibromyalgia #Medicationstruggle


Anyone else been diagnosed type 2 diabetes after medical?

I've been on medications for about 15 years now and now I'm a type 2 diabetic and going through some pretty savage side effects from the meds. Has this happened with anyone else else?#DiabetesType2 ##Medicationstruggle


Medication struggle

When I was first diagnosed with bipolar I remember being so pissed off that I had to be on medications for the rest of my life to be balanced. I was also an active alcoholic and drug abuser which admititly didn’t really help my rational.

It’s been 3 years since then and finally we’ve (my doctor and I) have started to see the positive effects of the right medications.

It’s taken time, a lot of emotional work, a lot of addiction recovery work and patience.

My life is starting to feel uncluttered and honed in and medications have been essential to that.

What’s you journey been like? #BipolarDisorder #Addiction #Medicationstruggle


Can I go with just taking an antidepressant only?

About a year ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar II by my now psychiatrist. I‘m on Lamotrigien, Dopaquel, Serdep and Wellbutrin. I feel like maybe the mood stabilizers are numbing me. I’m not sure, all I know is that I feel like the ’meh‘ emoji all the time. I just want to be happy and motivated.
Thus my question.

#MentalHealth #BipolarDepression #Medicationstruggle #BipolarDisorder


Parkinsonian/Extrapyramidal side effects #SchizoaffectiveDisorder

Hi all!

I've had a mysterious condition for a long time, where I lose the ability to voluntarily move and talk for anywhere from 10 mins to an hour. I'm completely frozen, except I can have an involuntary smile response if somebody says something funny. I am completely aware of my surroundings, and want to interact with people, but I can't. It has a gradual onset and ending. My service dog alerts to it. None of my doctors could figure it out, so they just said it was probably catatonia. I was tested for seizures, but they didn't find anything.

So anyway, I had brunch with a friend who's a doctor and another friend who has a master's degree in research psychology with an interest in psychopharmacology. I was telling them both about this mysterious condition, and they both agreed that it sounded like a basal ganglia problem. They said it was likely an extrapyramidal or parkinsonian side effect from my high doses of antipsychotics. They said it would probably be helped by taking a second dose of cogentin in the mornings, instead of just taking it before bed.

Well, I went to my Psychiatrist this week, and told him about this, and he added on the second dose of Cogentin! So, maybe I won't have these episodes anymore! I can't believe none of my clinicians over the years even considered that! I'm so hopeful that it'll help! And it's such an easy fix, if it works. I'm thrilled!

#SchizoaffectiveDisorder #SchizophreniaSpectrumPsychoticDisorders #Schizophrenia #SideEffects #Relieved #DrugInducedParkinsonism #MedicationInducedMovementDisorders #PsychiatricMedication #Medicationreaction #Medicationchange #medicationsideeffects #Medicationstruggle