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Doing the same thing again and again but expecting a different result everytime is what you call insanity.
Knowing that then why am i doing this.
They say seek help and i want to but from should i seek helf #help #seekhelp #whowillhelp #Goingcrazy #Crazy


The begining

So after a year annd a half of coming out of trumatic event and many years of coping with overwhelming stress i finally went to see a therapist and i was diagnoised with generalized anxiety disorder .
I tried to ignore it for many years and consider it normal and due to the big steps i am taking in life . All these years they were things i wanted to do and i couldn't , they were days that i wanted to feel relife and happy but i couldn't etc.
It's my third day on medication i have been said that it takes several weeks for pills to work out so gotta see what is coming up .
But this thought that maybe i don't have to go through it alone and just bare this overwhelming stress and just wait for a day that it fades away which i did for a long time kinda gives ma a little bit of relief .
Sure gotta post more here ; )

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YouTube Can Be Triggering

i have recently been catching up on some YouTube videos from some YouTubers that I mentioned watch from time to time, but this time was extremely different. not just one, but multiple videos triggered my anxiety and PTSD. please read more about it here: #MentalHealth #AnxietyTriggers #PTSD #Youtube #sad to #Life #Depression #severedepression #Mentalillnessfeelslike #seekhelp #yourenotalone #Disability


What made you realize you have borderline personality disorder and get help? #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #seekhelp

I recently lost my husband to suicide and our marriage counselor diagnosed him with BPD, but he stormed out of therapy before he knew the diagnosis. I was his FP (unknowingly) and I told him I wanted a divorce because he refused to see his illness as anything other than depression, though I knew it was more. He was full of rage and volatile, smashed our wedding rings with a hammer. I was terrified. So I left and I asked for a divorce. That night he did it...

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Today I woke up and my body was weak, empty, cold and cringed up from crying so much. My head was under my covers where oxygen was lacking and all I could breathe in was my own air I was breathing out. Tears kept pouring out of me like they had been waiting for the first one to fall so they all could follow along. I’m trapped inside the body of somebody I don’t want to be. I want to be happy and care free and full of life again. I want to run around without shoes and forget what I feels like to carry demons on your shoulder and monsters in your mind. I want to forget about the bad people can do and just focus on the good. I want to be myself and not care what anybody thinks. I want to CONTROL myself and not let my emotions and illness control me, or medications or opinionated people. At the end of today, I put on makeup, I got dressed, showered, brushed my teeth, and I went out and told myself to go or else I’d drown in my mind. Sometimes all we need is ourselves and we don’t even realize that. Everything we seek can be found within our own bodies. #BeAware #Loveyourelf #PickYourselfUp #Selflove #seekhelp

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When Family Doesn’t Believe You...

I grew up in a very old fashioned family. They don’t believe in depression, or anxiety or any kind of mental disorder. They think most of those are people trying to get attention and having a pitty party. If you too have family or friends that don’t believe you...still seek help. They don’t live in your head. They don’t live your life. They don’t truly know how you’re feeling. Like the quote says, “How YOU heal is YOUR CHOICE!” No one else’s! #FamilyAndFriends #seekhelp #BipolarDisorder #MentalIllness #MentalHealth #StayStrong


Mental health issues creep up on you.

I was reading a statistic yesterday about a study that says that mental health sufferers live with symptoms for over a year before they look for help. At first I thought this was a strange statistic, but then I thought about it.    I only recognised the symptoms retrospectively after looking back and seeing the signs.
The issue is that Mental health issues never seem to arrive suddenly like a cold or virus but rather sneak up on us gradually, and then what does it feel like to have these issues?
I don’t know about anyone else, but how could I explain to a doctor or anyone else for that matter about what was wrong with me when I couldn’t explain it myself?   I didn’t feel right wasting people’s time for “I don’t know what’s wrong” I just don’t feel right.    Maybe I was just having some bad days, maybe I was taking too much on at work, maybe it was just a phase, my fitness and energy were just dropping because I was getting older, I was getting angry because people were getting more irritating.
I just didn’t understand what was happening until it became too late and hit rock bottom.    The one thing that helped me was talking to some people who just agreed with me; who didn’t offer solutions and just said “Yeah that sounds shit”, “that must be really difficult”, “Are you also feeling like this as well?  It’s horrible when that happens”.     They showed understanding rather than trying to “fix me” because I didn’t feel like I could be fixed, but it relieved me to know that people understood my situation and didn’t judge.
Knowing that this helped me, I regularly have conversations like this with others but from the other side.   To be able to empathise seems to be a massive positive.    When people feel stupid getting help I just tell them to tell people the symptoms and don’t hold back.   “I cry a lot”, “I don’t sleep”, “I’m getting angry a lot”, “I feel strange and not like me”, “I feel nervous”.   
At first the symptoms can be hard to differentiate from “Just having a bad day” but when you have more bad days than good days it’s time to make some change and get some help.

#recognisethesigns #seekhelp

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Start of a new chapter #Anxiety

Finally got around to seeing a psychologist today for the first time. Not ruling out medication as an answer, but I thought it’d be good to explore as many options as possible. #DayOne #GAD #seekhelp #Anxiety