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Thought Process

🌷 #happythoughts .

I have been feeling #good today. It feels weird to be naturally #happy in moments where you think that there could be something to take it away soon. However, I learned that I am not going to let that #Happen to me. I will not let anyone #StealMyJoy today. 🌞 I know that I am #Blessed even in the #darktimes .

Everything is going to be OK when the storm passes. It may feel #scary right now, but it will pass through. There may be an aftermath, but take heart that you will not be alone in this.

I Am Here For You.

#BipolarDisorder #AnxietyDisorder

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3 Days...

Damn was 3 days seizure free, apparently I started having one almost rolled off the couch boyfriend said I was stiff as a board, can't sleep now..... Well in a few hours going to get another EEG done... Hopefully we can have a proper diagnosis *fingers crossed* wish me luck!

#SeizureDisorder #Seizure #Seizing #Epilepsy #SeizureDisorders #fighting #workinghard

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