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Sertraline Withdrawal

Guys I need help! Does anybody here knows what to do during withdrawal period of Zoloft? I’ve experience it before due to having ran out of them but this time I tapered it.

I’ve been feeling ill even during the time when I was taking my meds regularly so I got mad because for the longest time it doesn’t feel like it’s been of any help to me anymore and I stopped it.
Cut to now which is more than a week of me stopping my setraline intake, I’ve still been sick nauseous dizzy vomitting getting disturbing dreams my mind is clouded I feel hot and cold at the same time I can’t sit still I feel uneasy and my healthcare providers aren’t being attentive/responsive and Idk what to do anymore I feel like I’m going insane I can’t seem to get help Im just so out of it somebody help even to just ease the symptoms cause I really don’t wanna keep taking Zoloft anymore #Zoloft #Sertraline #Depression #PTSD #withdrawal #AntidepressantDiscontinuationSyndrome

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I did a potentially stupid thing, don't judge me 🙃 [help] [don't judge me]

Some context: I take 1 x 50mg Sertraline, when I talk abt "increasing" it I mean double to 2 x 50mg Sertraline

My first reference point of time to this encounter is my appt in Oct 2022. My second reference point of time is my follow-up appt, April 2023. Prior to this 2022-3 incident, there has been one other time I sort of self-adjusted my meds once. I can't remember why, but it was either in response to a life situation, or perhaps I was just trying to adjust the taper and not step down to a reduced dose (also 100mg to 50mg) too soon. I can't remember specifics!


In Oct 2022 I had an appt and a meds refill. If it matters, this was Setrof, which comes in strips of 10pcs x 50mg. I wasn't the most compliant to my meds and skipped some days (I'm saying this to give a full picture, don't judge pls) so when my April 2023 appt rolled around I had a few strips leftover from this batch 🙃

In April 2023, I had my next follow-up. This time, the meds dispensed was Acoloft - this comes in a sheet of 14pcs x 50mg.

About 1.5 weeks ago (I think), my anxiety was creeping up on me more intensely than usual ... so I thought I might try to mitigate it on my own ... by increasing a dose 🙃 So I did! To make things worse (I don't know what I was thinking but in resource allocation it made sense ok 🙃🙈), I took 1 x 50mg from the Setrof batch, 1 x 50mg from the Acoloft batch 😳🙃🙈

WOW MY LIFE HAS BEEN IRREVOCABLY CHANGED (not exactly in the way I would like), HELP ME.

I think my appetite has been major screwed up since, oops. I think I lost possibly 7 or 8 pounds (3ish kg) from the whole encounter? In 1.5weeks ish 🙃🙈 I mean arguably who doesn't like to lose weight + I'm still within range for BMI etc etc so that's that. For those of us who have had to handle meds' adjustment ... ya that has been quite intense like sometimes I feel my stomach muscles or some kind of internal muscles doing a backflip like what is that about. & sometimes I just feel ... not up to it for a regular meal >_< As I write this, I intended to get myself some dinner (so think of Asian food mains - rice + a soup, that kind) but in the end I got a brown sugar boba milk (! 🙃🙈) and started making this post. Lol. Yesterday was okay, managed to properly eat a rice+soup meal.

Does this even out? What do I do? I've never taken more than 100mg at a time and to what I know, Sertraline is still safe for use up to 200mg dosage or so. ... & yes, since then, I don't think I've dared to get myself back to the regular maintenance 50mg dose. Oops.

tldr yes I think it was 1 x Setrof + 1 x Acoloft = back off from meds & lose my appetite & 3ish kg.

hownowbrowncow. I don't think I will dieeee from this (hah) but some advice how to get back on track to the routine of a proper dose+manage my appetite and stuff, would be appreciated if possible!

sorry if this is dumb 😳, but anyone who's had experience on Sertraline/Zoloft - chime in rn 🙃😬

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Sertraline #Zoloft #SocialAnxiety

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Rexsulti #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PTSD

So I spoke to my Np about changing my antidepressant pill due to peri menopause. The primary doctor said #Zoloft can increase hot flashes. So, I asked to be on rexulti but I need prior authorization to get it. They have a prescription card I can use to. Has anyone on this pill?

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Moving from Lexapro to Zoloft Tw: suicidality mention

About 4 weeks ago I started Zoloft and stopped taking Lexapro.

The first three days were horrible. I felt like I did when I had a bad reaction to an antibiotic, and felt suicidal for the first time in years.

Called and left a message at my psychiatrist's office with no reply.

I am on a 25 mg dose and have tried taking two, bumping up to 50 and felt *almost* ok, have been toughing it out for the last few weeks.

Work has been exhausting and I'm afraid. I have not been myself.

I am hoping that my appointment will see an increase to 50 or 100, since 25 is not helping handle things at all.

#Zoloft #Sertraline #MajorDepression #TW

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Sleep terror experience

I just woke up from the worst #sleepterror of my life. I am staying at a friends and I must have scared the beans out of her when sge rushed in to find me standing and screaming bloody murder. I screamed so hard and so long that my throat and chest are still burning an hour later. I’ve had night terrors before but never this bad. I recently tapered completely off of Zoloft so I’m wondering if this is another side effect of #ssriwithdrawal
Anyone else experience this? #CheckInWithMe #nightterrors #PTSD #Zoloft


Zoloft and sexual side effects?

I just recently started Zoloft. 50 mgs to start. I'm really hopeful as it's supposed to treat several of my illnesses, not just depression. I've been on so many meds and have experienced so many side effects that most don't even bother me. Nausea? Zofran. A little weight gain? Psssh... Show me to the buffet! Headaches? Bring it!! I've dealt with chronic migraines for 30+ years! I can handle a little headache! Sexual side effects? WHOA. HOLD THE PHONES. STOP RIGHT THERE! I'm in a very healthy, happy, wonderful monogamous relationship. And one thing I LOVE is ... Y'know ... enjoying his company. So... Past and current Zolofters? What've been your experiences with Zoloft and sexual side effects? Cuz uhh... Yeah. I kinda like it and kinda don't want to lose it? Thanks! #Zoloft #SideEffects #SexualDysfunctions


It was funny after I got over the scare .. I'm sorry P 😂🤪🙃

* all references to age, gender, & ethnicity are for illustrative purposes alone 🤪😂

So I got a call in the evening from the hospital, they tell me that for my next therapy appointment, I will be seeing a different/new psychologist (WHY. - WHO said you could do it???)

Apparently new psychologist guy is Caucasian, at least 50, has a greying moustache (wow gotta love this) - I have nothing against Caucasian males above the age of 50 with a greying moustache (😂😬) but ... that's not P. P, my psychologist, is 35M, Asian Chinese, the only therapy professional I will ever see because of ... general distrust with the MH system hahaha 🙃

So apparently I get a call from the therapy clinic receptionist, a middle-aged Malay lady, also about 50-60 years old. She reminds me of an ahjumma (😂), or the equivalent of an ahjumma in whatever your culture is. Malay receptionist woman (on the phone) goes on and on about how I cannot make changes, this is the current protocol and allocation, I need to at least give old-Caucasian-guy a shot .. no, I cannot have an appointment with P. She even tries to tell me to calm down(!)

It is also towards the end of the work day, so she tells me there is a limit to what she can do, effectively also putting an end to my protests.

In my DESPERATION like -- what do you mean I cannot have P? omg, what are you thinking? -- I, 31-yo, suggest to my mother (60s) to help me make a complaint. Like, I guess, power of more-than-1 lol (but yes 😑 Which 31F person gets her mother in her 60s to lodge a complaint .. lol)

Then I wake up 😌☺️, & I remember I have appointments booked for June & July. In our last conversation in May's appointment, P said -- "okayokayokay, if I have concrete resignation plans, I'll let you know" -- still gonna check my online records to be sure HAHA.


HAHAHAHAHA sorry to all the Malay makciks/"aunties"/Caucasian middle-aged male psychologists with greying moustaches - you're great folks but Sertraline dreams are their own movie script!!!

The kicker is there is no Caucasian male psychologist at the dept where P works - he's the only male psychologist in the dept 🙃

If you haven't already figured, this was a Sertraline/Zoloft-induced dream and completely fictional 🙃 Imagine if I went in protesting/screaming about it in 1.5 weeks ...

See you in June (&July) P! 🙃😂

#CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety #Zoloft #Sertraline


Worried I May Have Been Misdiagnosed at some point#Bipolar2Disorder #Anxiety #Depression #Zoloft #Abilify

I just had therapy this morning and my therapist noted again that I seemed up and down emotionally during the session. I will note than recently I was in the process of tapering off Abilify which was not successful because after 3 weeks I just couldn't handle withdrawal symptoms and the increase in anxiety. A week ago I went back on my regular dose of Abilify. In the last few days, I have been experiencing mild-moderate depressive symptoms. Mainly low mood, lack of focus etc.

My therapist has noted in our last two sessions that I'm up and down emotionally. It may be unnecessary worry but I'm concerned that sometime in the past I may have been misdiagnosed. I've had a diagnosis of major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder/panic disorder for many years. I'm wondering if instead of depression there's a possibility that it's actually bipolar 2.

I was curious so I searched for information online about bipolar 2 and there are a few symptoms that sound like some of what I have experienced. Believe me I'm not taking the possibility of being misdiagnosed lightly, I'm actually concerned.

I don't know if I'm just acclimating back to Abilify or if somehow the smaller dose of Abilify that I was tapering on somehow uncovered symptoms of bipolar.

I'm trying not to ruminate on the situation which is why I decided to post. Thank you for reading.


For those who are on anti-depressants …

#Zoloft #BPD

Quick backstory, I was diagnosed with Bipolar II back in early May of this year. I was given Zoloft and Divalproex to ease my symptoms. A few months in, I noticed something funny was happening in my sleep cycle. There were mornings (more intensely after a night of drinking) where I was suddenly woken up from my sleep by someone repeatedly calling my name. I’d slowly wake up thinking, “What in the hell? Is my sister at my door?” but then I realize that in the quietness of it all, I hear it again and again, and I realize that it is indeed not my sister but possibly just a small episode of mild hallucinating.

In other instances, on my way to work in the mornings I would stuff my phone in my work tote and all of a sudden while driving I would hear my alarm go off. I would reach for my phone, scrambling everything around in my tote trying to find it thinking I must’ve snoozed instead of hitting dismiss, and sure enough, as soon as I pull it out, nothing. No alarms, notifications, texts, nothing. Quiet. The alarm sounds were not real. So then, I’ll stuff it back in my tote only for the same thing to happen again. It got to the point where I would eventually stopped checking it.

Also, a few times I’ve woken up in a panic thinking I’m late for work on my days off because the sound of my alarm sounds is so extremely vivid (and is not a dream) that it wakes me from the middle of a deep sleep, only to get up and look at my phone and see that it’s a Saturday and that my alarms are disabled on the weekends.

Has anyone ever had similar experiences when it comes to taking anti-depressants? I am very interested in hearing your stories.

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