It’s Actually True 😂🤦🏽♂️💊 #BipolarDisorder #Antidepressants
Can anyone else relate?
#MentalHealth #MightyTogether
Can anyone else relate?
#MentalHealth #MightyTogether
So, following on to the post I made about my upcoming Doctors appointment, I had nothing to worry about. Thankfully 😅
I had done my research and read up on everything I could from the books I had to establish a cognitive narrative that backed up my theory and my request. I went to my local Pharmacy with this yesterday and read it to the Pharmacist who concurred with me and I was asking him if I had any mistakes with regards to my medication interactions, but he said I had done very well and that he was impressed with how much detail, time and effort I had put into it. Now, I know not everyone is in a position to do what I did and I’m very lucky to be able to do this, but I think that if you have an opportunity to make your appointments more interactive experiences that involve ‘you’ being in the conversation, I would highly recommend that you give it a go.
In the appointment the Dr initially said that if I’m sleeping excessively then the antidepressant increase could cause this to get worse. I assured him I was going to be very stringent with my sleep schedule and concentrate on getting up at 8am. I think it’s easier to control your waking up time than it is your going to sleep time. I told him about my lack of appetite, loss of interest in doing things I enjoy (currently forcing myself to play guitar each day), low mood and self esteem, and lethargy in general. He was happy to increase my dose of Fluoxetine from 20mg to 40mg daily starting from now. He was also about to look up in the BNF if Olanzapine interaction would be affected by increased Fluoxetine, which I was able to answer for him as it was in my notes. There’s no implications reported. I felt a bit cheeky telling a Dr something he didn’t know about his own profession (I guess it is slightly more pharmaceutical in his defence), but I felt slightly guilty about it and embarrassed too. But hey, we’re working together at the end of the day aren’t we?
Below is a link to an explanation I wrote for Fluoxetine. If you’re taking this at the moment or you are just interested in reading it then please feel free to read my blog post 👌
Medication Explained: Fluoxetine 💊
Is it safe to take Sertraline when you have Raynaud's? My sister has primary Raynaud's and has just been prescribed Sertraline, so I'm a little worried if it's going to have any adverse effects on her physical health.
Does anybody else with Raynaud's take Sertraline or psych meds in general? If so, how is it for you?
Thanks in advance.
do watch this when you all get time. While medication may offer no cure to depression, (and here they argue anti-depressants don’t even fight the symptoms but which in my case it does) what do folks like me do when circumstances around are unforgiving, continue to be stacked so much against you and your sanity, sense of self worth, dignity is deeply imperiled ? Your grievously sick wife whom you love so much separates from you and you feel terrible for being a failed care taker, friends judge you & abandon you, you lose home, dogs? Professionally too you are a failure making no headway in career and this nothing really has to do with mediocrity or a deeply abominable temperament (flawed yes but then who isn’t?) but some voodoo or spell that repeatedly jinxes you? Anything you try - work, relationship, pursuits has always ended in failures, alienating you and wrecking prospects for a meaningful and fulfilling life. Grief and despair overwhelms your life everyday.
In such circumstances my medicines have at least given me some functional capacities helping me in keeping a veneer of sanity on an otherwise deeply lacerated self & soul. What do you further do when one just doesn’t have any emotional support whom one could count on, trust and our vulnerable self is not mocked at…?
Ideally no medicines should be taken yes but in circumstances like mine and likes, where and what options do we have? it’s not our brains but the context that precipitate such panic, anxiety, despair and anguish that don’t let go and an entire life has been nothing but visits of one disaster after another…in many instances without any trigger the brain short circuits and one is depressed…so what is the way out?
Somehow this documentary does not give a nuanced picture but merely demonises the pharma industry without deeply going into conditions that thousands of such beleaguered souls face. The left-liberal wokes with their eternally warped and twisted cognitive state are wreaking havoc in so many domains and mental health too is not immune from their ability to distort and condemn certain possibilities, however limited, without any nuance or less judging proclivities. Would like to see these same intellectuals being repeatedly assaulted by crippling and mind numbing traumas and see if they still continue mouthing their vitriolic against pharma capitalism? 😠 The desperate will cling to any leaf or twig when drowning in a whirlpool of loss, shame and hurt!
This documentary is on Youtube titled Tablets for depression by DW TV. Search and you will get the link in case the link below does not take you to the feature…
#Depression #Grief #MentalHealth #prescriptiondrugs #Antidepressants
The pristique is really helping with my depression, but it has completely removed my sex drive. I’ve lived with bipolar hyper sexuality my whole life, never been on an ssri. My partner isn’t happy. But I can’t say I’m not enjoying it. I can focus on so much more now, I don’t feel this intense urge to get off multiple times a day anymore. But I don’t want to always feel like this. I want to still enjoy and have sex. #BipolarDepression #Sex #SexAndRelationships #Antidepressants
Recently our Mighty creative team had a casual conversation about how certain types of meds or supplements can cause our dreams to become more vivid.
So that got us thinking — what have your dreams been like? Do you remember them? Have they been haunting you during the day?
#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #Antidepressants #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #RareDisease #DistractMe