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Barometric Pressure Wins Again #AutoimmuneDisease #allpain

Today, Elsa made her way through my state, NC. As she strode through, kindly leaving little damage, she felt like she was ripping my arms from their sockets, wrenching off my wrists, putting my neck in a vice, and that’s just from my heart line up. My back hurts, my hips, my thighs, my ankles… UGH!!!
Anyone else weather sensitive? #sjogrens #IBS -C #Fibromyalgia #PerniciousAnemia #PeripheralNeuropathy #ineedadrink #barometricpressure #BackPain #Bodypain

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#rainydays #migrainedays #rainandpain

A “lovely” rainy day here in SWVA. Went by my parents house and the cat decided we needed a nap 😁
The barometric pressure is crushing my facial bones and extracting my teeth!! Feels like I’ve been hit in the face with a shovel. Amnybody else get terrible facial pain? I can deal with the migraine right now but my teeth hurt so bad I can’t hardly chew.
✌🏻 & ❤️ to all #Migrainewarrior #barometricpressure #dayslikethissuck #chronicmigraine #cervicogenicmigrainewarrior

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Rainy days.... #ChronicPain #Arthritis #ReynaudsPhenomenon

It's cold and rainy here today and I feel like the tin man. I'm all stiff and in excruciating pain and my stomach is jacked up from exhaustion and a migraine. I had an EMG yesterday and worked a 13 hour day, which sent my pain levels soaring. I think blankie and I will chill. Some days you have to know when to say "when". #ChronicMigraines #autoimmunelife #ChronicFatigue #barometricpressure


I was born sick

That a actually might be a line from a song, the song just alludes me at this current moment. The #Weather is dreary, and messing with the #barometricpressure , so because I have #Hydrocephalus I feel like poop.

I don’t know what people go through when they become ill, it’s extremely hard to empathize, with them. I don’t know. I was born at #28weeks gestation, and 2lbs 4oz. I was also dxed with #CongenitalHydrocephalus , #Amblyopia , #Brainbleed and later, learning disabilities and cerebral palsy, #AntiphospholipidSyndrome and #Autism.

I have been wrongly dxed, and had pills shoved down my throat that made my feel zombified. I’ve spoken to my peers about why my head is shaved and why I have a gnarly scar on my head, or why I can’t participate in a sport.

But I don’t understand what it’s like to be normal and feel grief about being ill.

When I get a new dx, it’s just another bunch of signs and symptoms to watch out for.

And my main concern is, will this shorten my life span.

Most people I encounter have been dxed later in life, and they have no idea how to process pain, tiredness, taking pills, doctors visits... #Surgery, #Complications . None of it.

It’s just all so interesting from a ##spooniesincebirth

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