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Autism and Borderline Personality Disorder….. the misery experienced by loved ones is immense.

Living with my chronically ill, autistic, BPD, young adult daughter is like living with an abusive spouse ( I would know cause I lived with one for 16 years before divorcing him). I can’t kick her out cause she isn’t totally capable of living on her own and doesn’t have much income and I don’t have any family that she could go live with. She doesn’t drive either so is totally dependent on me to get her to her part time job and frequent doctor appointments. However I am chronically ill too with several difficult conditions and work full time and care for my youngest daughter that is totally disabled from her chronic illnesses and it is just too much to always deal with the continual cycle of ups and downs she goes through due to her mental and developmental diagnoses. She is on medication that is helping some to stabilize her moods and help her severe anxiety, but she still goes into really awful episodes where her thinking is all over the place and she lashes out verbally and accuses me of things that don’t even make sense. She yells and cussed at me, calls me names and says I’m stupid and don’t really love her. She does the same to her sister but on a lesser scale than with me. In those episodes I can’t reason with her and she is determined that I’m causing her problems. When she is clear headed she can be kind and loving, but she always has another episode before long that is horrible for me to deal with. I feel I’m being verbally and emotionally abused just like I was from my ex- husband. I want a peaceful life and I just can’t seem to ever achieve it due to the whole situation. Has anyone else had experience with this kind of thing? I would really appreciate input. #Fibromyalgia #AutismSpectrumDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #chronicmigraine #ADHD #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Dysautonomia #UlcerativeColitis #EoE #OCD #DisorderedEating #InterstitialCystitis #Endometriosis #IBS #FoodAllergies

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What symptom is annoying you the most today?

I know, I know — it can be difficult to choose just one, especially if you live with multiple health conditions. I’m having a hard time deciding between depression and migraine head pain myself! Both symptoms really seem to have it out for me today.

While the chronic nature of chronic physical and mental illnesses means we are affected by our conditions and their symptoms on a regular basis, there are some days when a single symptom stands out from the rest.

What symptom is getting on your nerves more than usual today? How is it affecting your ability to go about your day and night?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #Spoonie #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #RareDisease #ADHD #chronicmigraine #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #Depression #PanicDisorder

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Migraine flare?

To anyone with chronic migraines besides myself: do you get flares so bad you can’t walk due to the pain, your entire body hurts, or just me? #chronicmigraine #flare

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Need advice #chronicmigraine

I need advice/experience! My neuro wants to start me on Ajovy to help with migraine, Propanolol hasn’t done the trick the last 7 weeks.
I also have Fibromyagia, TMJ, depression and anxiety.
I hate the thought of an injection, but the migraines are really taking a tole

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New Episode Alert! Am I Actually Neurodivergent? 🤔

There’s a joke somewhere about four neurodivergent people walking into a recording booth and attempting to focus on the topic at hand. In this episode, Ashley (hi 👋) is joined by @camararollin, @jwertman, and @skyeg as they dive into the wide spectrum of neurodiversity, imposter syndrome in relation to identifying as neurodivergent, and how neurodivergence can often be misunderstood by the people who are meant to be the most helpful in supporting those individuals — namely doctors and educators. Additionally, find out how stacking diagnoses can feel like Pokémon evolutions (and of course, stick around to hear our favorite ones!).

Grab your headphones, your favorite beverage, and subscribe to Table Talk With The Mighty to hear more topics like this every Wednesday!

#Podcasts #neurodivergent #Neurodiversity #MentalHealth #ADHD #Autism #SensoryProcessingDisorder #chronicmigraine #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BipolarDisorder

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I feel like curling into a ball and crying #Fibromyalgia #TemporomandibularJointDisorders #chronicmigraine

It hurts and I’m so tired. I have to dog sit but the dogs are killing me. It is making me so miserable. I want to leave but the dogs want to be near me at all times.

I have nothing for relief. The dogs want to be all over me. I can’t take it. I don’t get irritated like this when I work. This is the first time I have felt like this.

I feel like crying and just laying down and locking myself away from them. I want to just not be in pain. I want to not be here. I hate how I can’t have anything without pain anymore. I just hate everything right now.

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New Podcast Episode! Monday, 7/17

The fourth episode of "Health and (un)Wellness: Mighty With Migraine" releases on Monday, July 17.

Let's hit pause for a moment. Missed previous episodes? They're available on your favorite podcast platform right now:

Here's a little about the episode:

Ah migraine, the most annoying third wheel of all time. It’s a universal truth that migraine affects our relationships in ways both good and bad. In this episode, Kat and Skye get honest about dating — just wait until you hear about Skye’s experiment with dating apps — as well as their connections with family and friends. If you sometimes (read: always) feel like a burden to the people you care about, this one’s for you.

RSVP to be among the first to hear the episode live:

#Podcast #Migraine #chronicmigraine #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MightyEvents #Relationships

Health and (un)Wellness • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters

Live with a health condition or three? So do we. Brought to you by The Mighty, Health & (un)Wellness is a podcast created for and hosted by people who truly get it. Join us for vulnerable deep dives into different mental and physical illnesses. We’ll be sharing lived experiences, knowledge from health care professionals, and patient advocates who, well or unwell, get what it’s like to live with bodies and minds that move through the world a little differently. No matter how you’re feeling today, we’ll travel to meet you — just as you are. Because we’re here for you in sickness & in health.
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