Bipolar 1 Disorder

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I’m an Asian woman, 54, living on the west coast. I have BPD, Bipolar/schitzoeffective, anxiety disorder, maj depression and now I find out ADHD/autism. I’m dealing with a lot and it’s overwhelming. I’ve been melting down and I think this is me acknowledging my neurodivergence. I’m confused and feel empty a lot and my friends are few and the ones I have are starting to yell at me for not doing stuff right and I can’t be abused anymore. I lived that way for 50 years. It’s enough. Please reach out. Love to meet some of you.

#BDD #AutismSpectrum #Bipolar1 #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #MajorDepression #MentalHealth #AnorexiaNervosa #BingeEatingDisorder

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I’m an Asian woman, 54, living on the west coast. I have BPD, Bipolar/schitzoeffective, anxiety disorder, maj depression and now I find out ADHD/autism. I’m dealing with a lot and it’s overwhelming. I’ve been melting down and I think this is me acknowledging my neurodivergence. I’m confused and feel empty a lot and my friends are few and the ones I have are starting to yell at me for not doing stuff right and I can’t be abused anymore. I lived that way for 50 years. It’s enough. Please reach out. Love to meet some of you.

#BDD #AutismSpectrum #Bipolar1 #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #MajorDepression #MentalHealth #AnorexiaNervosa #BingeEatingDisorder

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I came here seeking support but now I say we may mention anything so I’ll also say that I am a dyed in the Woll creative with almost every creative field under my belt. I’m looking for remote work in a design, food concept, food stylist, photography, copy writing, socials branding and content and more… #Work #bpdcreative #Depression #BingeEatingDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar1 #BipolarDepression

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I came here seeking support but now I say we may mention anything so I’ll also say that I am a dyed in the Woll creative with almost every creative field under my belt. I’m looking for remote work in a design, food concept, food stylist, photography, copy writing, socials branding and content and more… #Work #bpdcreative #Depression #BingeEatingDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Bipolar1 #BipolarDepression

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Verbal Abuse

I just now realized that my mom is verbally abusive.. And has been since I was a child. I cannot fathom that it took me 20 years to finally realize it. Has anyone else experienced this?

I also read an article that talked about the impact of verbal abuse (provided in the picture) and sadly it all makes sense.. My mother definitely negatively impacted my brother and I… Its terrible when your own parent is a bully.

#Abuse #Bipolar1

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Verbal Abuse

I just now realized that my mom is verbally abusive.. And has been since I was a child. I cannot fathom that it took me 20 years to finally realize it. Has anyone else experienced this?

I also read an article that talked about the impact of verbal abuse (provided in the picture) and sadly it all makes sense.. My mother definitely negatively impacted my brother and I… Its terrible when your own parent is a bully.

#Abuse #Bipolar1

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is silversoul18.
I was diagnosed at 20 with Bipolar 1. I have been through therapists and psychiatrists for many different reasons. Continually put on different medications to help with symptoms. Everything seemed has not gone well. Finally, have had clarity recently and have found a new therapist I really like and a psychiatrist who gave me a second opinion (wanted to make sure new RX was appropriate since nothing else has worked). After talking with him for quite some time he told me he thought I had been misdiagnosed. He believes I have BPD. After researching and changing my medications around and therapist changing gears with me.. I finally feel like I understand myself and my thoughts and actions make sense. I have had 20 years of the wrong medication, ECT, TMS, multiple psych hospital stays, and therapists.. within a month I’m feeling like I’m changing.. I’d love to have a community and other people who understand what it’s like to try and jus be with their mental health and who may have BPD.
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Migraine

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Meds/Bipolar 1 #Bipolar1

Anyone on medication for Bipolar 1 that hasn’t caused weight gain? Do you function? Any side effects? #Bipolar1

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Meds/Bipolar 1 #Bipolar1

Anyone on medication for Bipolar 1 that hasn’t caused weight gain? Do you function? Any side effects? #Bipolar1

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Enmeshed Family Problems

Trigger Warning: childhood sexual abuse

My family and I have a very enmeshed family relationship since I was a child. I’m soon to be 32 and I’m still living at home with them but I am working on getting a job in my field and hopefully going to a group home which is plan a or leaving on my own but still trying to get affordable housing which is plan b. I yelled at my mother yesterday and told her that I knew about her past. I’m currently living with my abuser and though my therapist keeps telling me to leave (she’s telling me to consider a shelter), there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to because of this enmeshment that I’ve been subjected to.

Its too much. It’s too much to be a survivor of childhood sexual abuse by a relative that I live with (I’ve started talking about it in therapy and writing poetry about it) and to be enmeshed with narcissistic parents. I know what I have to do. I know that I have to leave and break off contact with all of them but my heart doesnt agree with this.

They have been there this year for me when my health has been bad and since I’ve been jobless. And they been in my life since the day I was born and they have provided for me financially- that’s it. They are definitely narcissists and have abused me and my siblings our entire lives and the end results of that are showing through addictions and other serious problems. I just wanted to vent. I feel a lot of pain and sorrow and I don’t know how I’m going to move on with my life emotionally. Currently I only talk with one sister and was still talking to my mother up until yesterday when I yelled with her. I just wanted to get this out before my appointment with my therapist.

I am trying to take care of myself by eating right, sleeping well, distracting myself, journalling my feelings and writing them out, using my spiritual beliefs to cope and taking my meds and seeing a therapist. I think I’ll be okay I just needed to get this out. Thanks for listening. #ChildhoodSexualAbuse #PTSD #Anxiety #Bipolar1 #DissociativeIdentityDisorder

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