Bipolar 2 Disorder

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Thejess66. I'm here because
I’m dealing with my bf who has bipolar 2 and the lies are horrible, now I wonder if he really loves me?#MightyTogether

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Hello #

My name is Nikita, and I live with Bipolar II Disorder. Right now, I’m really struggling. This journey started when I was 16, and over the years, things have only gotten harder. I’m reaching out to find support and connect with others who truly understand what this feels like

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Why so depressed all the time, every day

I’m 54 years old and I was diagnosed with bpd and bipolar2 about 22 years ago. We’ll, it’s destroyed my relationships in my family, including my kids I’m on SSDI but still my husband has to work super hard because I cant keep a job I go to the first day and have major anxiety attacks like Requiem for a Dream. My whole life I have wanted to just “check out” but everyone begs me not to so I don’t do it, I’m stuck here feeling shame and guilt while they go live their lives with their career’s, sweet loving children and double paycheck income. We are so poor my husband is 60 years old and he’s a mail carrier. He figures he will be able to retire at age 73.

And I feel so removed from a Higher Power. I really want to connect with some kind of spirituality but it always feels like God is pissed off at me . I told my husband I have about 3 months left of fight in me over the anxiety and major depression . I start a dbt group tomorrow so I’m giving that time but I’m so tired all the time. Like I’m too apathetic to clean I suffered major losses over this disability. If I looked how I felt, I’d be crawling on the floor sobbing
Thank you for reading this, if you do #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

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Bipolar II

I suffer from several mental illnesses. It’s sad to say that my mental illness comes from environmental and genetic. I feel so alone in this great big world. I hate the stigma that comes with mental illness. Especially Bipolar. I have had far too many people associate Bipolar with being a serial killer. Very hurtful. I go through many episodes of deep deep depression. Suicidal thought. I’ve made a plan. But have made a promise to my children I would never do that to them. Which I will keep. I have psychotic features which when manic I hear and see things that are not there. I guess to some this all up I’m not done in a suicidal way but the suffering day to day with the panic from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep.
If God were sitting infront of me, I would tell him I’m done!

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Hi All

Hi everyone, I'm another newbie here. I've been formally diagnosed with ADHD since I was about 11 years old. Unmedicated till I was in my 20s and teaching full time. Diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder about 7 years ago. Diagnosed with Bipolar II last year. I don't have a "formal" diagnosis, but my current psych. physician agrees that I have Autism as well. I also have Visual Snow Disorder (look it up -- you might too!) and a few other unique things. Evidently I "won" the genetic lottery....

Looking for help understanding and learning to control my tendency to go from zero to nuclear in a few seconds during a "discussion" (which I am oblivious to but has driven grown men and women to tears). Also looking for ways to improve my awareness and interpretation of social cues, facial emotions, etc. I am essentially a bull on steroids in an emotional china shop when it comes to interacting with other people. Any ideas, suggestions, resources, information, etc. would be greatly appreciated!

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Change Your Wallpaper~Change Your Mood

I've posted before about how changing your phone's wallpapers us a good thing to do. Keeps things fresh, beautiful, inspirational, or whatever type wallpaper you choose. These are 2 paintings I got off Pinterest. I love the one on my left for Lock Screen, and the other for Home Screen. I find it lifts my mood. #Schizophrenia , #Bipolar2 , #Depression #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #MentalHealth

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Change Your Wallpaper~Change Your Mood

I've posted before about how changing your phone's wallpapers us a good thing to do. Keeps things fresh, beautiful, inspirational, or whatever type wallpaper you choose. These are 2 paintings I got off Pinterest. I love the one on my left for Lock Screen, and the other for Home Screen. I find it lifts my mood. #Schizophrenia , #Bipolar2 , #Depression #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #MentalHealth

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