Hi everyone, I'm another newbie here. I've been formally diagnosed with ADHD since I was about 11 years old. Unmedicated till I was in my 20s and teaching full time. Diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder about 7 years ago. Diagnosed with Bipolar II last year. I don't have a "formal" diagnosis, but my current psych. physician agrees that I have Autism as well. I also have Visual Snow Disorder (look it up -- you might too!) and a few other unique things. Evidently I "won" the genetic lottery....
Looking for help understanding and learning to control my tendency to go from zero to nuclear in a few seconds during a "discussion" (which I am oblivious to but has driven grown men and women to tears). Also looking for ways to improve my awareness and interpretation of social cues, facial emotions, etc. I am essentially a bull on steroids in an emotional china shop when it comes to interacting with other people. Any ideas, suggestions, resources, information, etc. would be greatly appreciated!