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What Bores Me (And Why It Matters)

Boredom is an unbearable feeling. It’s not just the absence of entertainment or socialization. It’s an ache. It’s a frustration. It’s a deep sigh waiting to be exhaled. Boredom strikes me in many forms. These include small talk and under-stimulation. It also includes people taking forever to get to the point when I already know where their story is going. Redundant conversations drain me. When someone tells me the same story for the umpteenth time, I feel that strong urge to groan. It’s overwhelming, long, and miserable to be honest.

I get bored very easily. When that boredom lingers too long, it morphs into something worse. It turns into fatigue, irritation, and eventually, a depressive spiral. The longer I sit in boredom, the more difficult it becomes to pull myself out of it. It diminishes my energy, my motivation, and my sense of purpose. I crave stimulation, something to light that spark in me again. I went years feeling lost, and out of touch with myself, that I could hardly get out of bed. So I need to dive deep into something that fuels my fire.

What excites me? Writing. Reading fantasy novels that transport me to different worlds. Watching baseball and getting lost in the strategy and excitement of the game. Cooking and discovering new restaurants that awaken my taste buds. Watching high-quality dramas and movies that make me think and feel deeply.

I’m a pop culture buff, a mental health advocate, and an enthusiast for all things that bring me joy. I thrive on deep meaningful conversations, and meaningful interactions. Being around my friends and family keeps me going. I feel engaged, and genuinely happy. The presence of people who bring energy and joy into my life is invaluable.

But when I don’t have that, and when I’m left in the dullness of mundane tasks, the boredom becomes alarming. It drains my spirit and leaves me feeling completely empty and uninspired to do anything. If I linger in that space for too long, I start to lose interest in things. These are things that usually make me happy. It’s the lack of stimulation that becomes suffocating, and everything just seems to fall to the waste-side.

So, the solution is finding ways to keep my mind active and engaged. I try seeking out new experiences, trying to find new passions, and ensure that I’m always working on something. I need that stimulation to keep my morale up and push forward. Whether it is through writing, diving into a new book, or having an engaging conversation. I guess overall, all I really want is satisfaction..

Boredom isn’t just an inconvenience—it’s a trap. And I refuse to stay stuck in it.#MentalHealth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Depression #Anxiety #boredom

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Thoughts and feelings

Todays been interesting for sure, I’m trying to fight my thoughts and emotions so I don’t spiral again. I don’t want to feel sad, lonely and bored anymore. Im trying to stay mindful and use mindfulness exercises to help… hopefully it will centre me enough to calm me down. Let’s hope for the best for today…
#Hope #MajorDepression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #boredom #Mindfulness



I’m experiencing extreme boredom specially after taking my medication, I really just want someone to talk to.


Not feeling good today #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #boredom

Yesterday I was triggered on top of already feeling unmotivated, anxious, and depressed. I’m stuck where I am reliving my childhood traumas. I pray everyday for my situation to change. I’ve done a few things like take a nap, get off of social media, and take a nice shower. Maybe I’ll read a book to stop me from ruminating ugh #Childhoodtrauma #Abuse #CPTSD

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Sometimes I just wish I can take a long trip, off to nowhere away from all the troubles, pains, suffering of life and just go on a long long trip probably with no plan if coming back

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Activities while bedbound #TheMighty #bedbound #ChronicIllness #Disability #boredom #ChronicPain #BedboundBuddies

An activity I enjoy when I’m stuck in bed is coloring in coloring apps. I did these cats on Halloween.


Let’s talk

I’m trying to distract myself so please feel free to send me a direct message and let’s talk about anything and everything! #Depression #Anxiety #boredom

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restless life #EhlersDanlosSyndrome

how the heck do y’all kill time? i feel like i’ve been doing everything i can but my internal energy far exceeds my external energy/abilities. #Disability #Immunocompromised #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPD #boredom #restless #Ugh


I need hobbies

I’m so bored in the evening time. My husband or kids are usually either playing video games or watching tv. And that’s fine cause relaxing at the end of a long day is welcomed. BUT since we only have 2 TVs in the house and my husband has his gaming monitor that stuff is being used. I’ve experimented with different things. But I’m getting more and more bored.

What sorts of things do you guys do?

Oh... I also dont any have social media anymore so now I find I have much more time on my hands
#boredom #CPTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Depression #Anxiety