SUCCSESS!! 🙏🏻😭🙌🏻😊
Went to my new DBTtherapist today and me and my mom walked in the room and told her all about what crazy feelings and emotions were happening in my life! She was so kind and understanding!! i swear she didn’t have an ounce of judgement and thought that me and my moms matching outfits were adorable!! I was told this year would be a wonderful year full of surprises by many people and even psychic’s! turns out things are going really well for only the first few days of 2020! i feel like a new me and hopefully i can learn to manage my anger and numerous emotions of plenty through the new year! i finally feel like i can overcome and be myself without being ashamed! My new therapist office is completely lavender coloured and my mom and i had matching out fits of mint and rose colors, even our glasses too today! As we left the office i realised that mint and rose makes lavender and i felt like this women was going to help change my life for the better! I’m so excited for my next session! Wish me luck guys! 😁💜💙💖
#DBT #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPDDiagnosis #BPDFam #bpdsymptoms