Hey, I’m Emily Eileen of Fever Dream Boutique!
Hi, my name is Emily Eileen. I am 27 years old. I was born with a brachial plexus injury, so disability has always been a part of my life. I have had several corrective surgeries at 11 and 25 years old. I was diagnosed with my first autoimmune disease, Crohn's disease, at 10 years old. I do monthly infusions to manage my Crohn’s. I have several diagnoses under my belt such as Fibromyalgia and am in the diagnosis process for several more now. I had a late diagnosis of ADHD at 24 years old. I have hypermobile joints and am exploring the avenues of EDS and POTS currently. Mental illness is also important to me as a Bipolar gal working my way through a PTSD journey. I believe much of chronic and mental illness goes hand in hand since they often come intertwined with one another. I am interested in the role trauma has in the development of chronic illness and vise versa.
Chronic illness has characterized every aspect of my life whether I wanted it to or not, and it has allowed for a more empathetic and slowly lived life for me. I am a fashion designer and use creativity as my prime outlet for coping. My handmade and upcycled clothing business is called Fever Dream Boutique. You can find me online on Instagram and Tiktok @FeverDreamBoutique
#CrohnsDisease #Fibromyalgia #BrachialPlexusInjuries #BipolarDisorder #PTSD #HEDS