Went in for some bloodwork because I was finding no relief for my fibromyalgia. Sent me to the rheumatologist’s where I was lucky enough to snag a cancelled appointment! More blood work was drawn, still only my sed rate was out of wack. So here I am, hardly able to get around, pushing myself into isolation, putting on a brave face for everyone else, only to see all my bloodwork looks mostly okay. It sucks. Now, I didn’t want anything bad to be wrong with me, but being exactly where I was five years ago, without much relief can really bring a person down. Upped some of my medication, may have noticed a bit of a difference, but it has mostly made me really tired (no more insomnia though!). On the bright side, I quit gluten six weeks ago and lost 32 pounds! #Brightside #Fibromyalgia #Depression