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The Potter Knows The Clay

What pearls of wisdom God is showing my family and I through His Word! We are never too broken in God's eyes. We are studying through this as part of my sister's homeschool and learning a lot. My mom took pottery in College and God arranged it so we got a hold of a potter's wheel and worked on throwing pots while learning this, amazing! One analogy in pottery is how inpurities in clay cause pottery to break, but that is not the end! God can create a beautiful vessel of our lives when we submit to Him, His breaking, pounding, reshaping and firing process are the struggles and trials in life. Each pain is orchestrated by Him, from a heart of love, as He makes and transforms us. He also, as a Master Craftsman, knows exactly how much we can handle, in each stage of the process. So glad HE never gives up on us, no matter our imperfection! He gently picks up the broken pieces, time and again, starts anew, forming us until we become what He designed for us to be. Jeremiah "18:2 Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. 18:3 Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it...cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand..."
Isaiah 64:8 But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.
Romans 9:20-21 "...Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?"

Found really neat lesson on this subject where he talks through the analogy while making pottery, very powerful!

This song also puts it beautifully:

May you find comfort in His providential Hand as you rest in His plan, even when it's unknown.
#TheBible #brokeness #Healing #GodInTheMidstOfSuffering #Godlovesyou #encouragement

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At the beginning of the month, my therapist told me (via email, sent while I was in-patient) that she is “professionally incapable of providing me the support that I need”. Incidentally, this is the second time I’ve been told this. (The first time was last summer.) I thought it was hard hearing that for the first time. But the second time is significantly worse because now my brokenness is a well-established pattern.

In trying to find a new counselor, I set up three intakes over the past two weeks. Of those, one told me that she didn’t think she could help. And I didn’t seem to “click” with another. Even told me that I wasn’t a good candidate for teletherapy and that I need to look elsewhere.

I’m starting to wonder if there is any hope for me. It doesn’t feel like there is any hope.

#CheckInWithMe #hopeless #NeedSupport #Counseling #brokeness

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Yeah...There's Just No Way

Unfortunately all the repressed memories and suppressed emotions over the years did a notable WWE SMACKDOWN on me recently.
I didn't see it coming...

Anyway I haven't felt like myself for years and nobody noticed and if they did, they ignored it.
Maybe a change of scenery will do some good.
I'm really struggling.
I want to scream! Break!fall apart without judgement.

#Sadness #brokeness #struggling

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So many thoughts

Have you ever thought in a million years that you would carry guilt,anger, hurt and emotional stress that it would actually break you apart to the point of where you cry, can’t eat and your mind just won’t shut off? I hate these feeling. I’m new to this sorry #pstd #brokeness #Cryingspells #Emotion


28 Days Ago (c) Mark Bryant 2018

28 days ago, I asked a heartfelt question
Born of hurt and uncertainty, and full of desperation
6 little monosyllabic words, that aren’t very much to see,
Formed the simple, yet complex sentence, ‘What do you see in me?’
So as I strummed on my guitar, I repeated it like a mantra
Between tears of grief and sobs of pain, I felt as dead as cancer.
The words seemed stuck within a void, bouncing off the ceiling
The loneliness and isolation was an unbearable feeling.
Fast forward a few more days and I received an answer there
When reading a devotion and giving myself to prayer
This God breakthrough filled the hole. It made me so glad when
God told me I was His treasured possession, a beautiful to behold gem.
What joy!  What release!  At last, a truth that set me free.
To hear just what my Father God truly thinks of me!
And so each day, though trials still come amidst uncertainty
God pours out His blessing so much, it overflows the sea.
I desperately want more of this truth, I no longer will abide
With my constant companion, A.K.A. the King Lie.
But I will lay all my brokenness at the feet of the King of Kings
And see what trade He will make, we what treasure He brings.
But now I just need to praise, thank Him for all He has done,
And it all began on Calvary, with the sacrifice of His Son.
To think that He would die for me, at my absolute worse
To be a perfect sacrifice that would break the curse.
I’m free! I’m free! I’ve been redeemed! O thank You Christ my Saviour
Now you’re turning a tasteless life into 1 that’s full of flavour.
Please continue your work in me, every day, even when I’m old.
I want to be more and more transformed into Jesus’ mould.
And then 1 sweet day, I’ll be with You, for all eternity.
I can even imagine sitting on my Father’s knee.
So thank You for all you’ve done and all You’re going to do.
I can’t wait to live the rest of my life with You!

(c) Mark Bryant 2018
