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Exhaustive and Exhausting Resources

Everyone wants to give me resources, not knowing how exhausting it is to sort through them all and reach out to them all, only to be refused or told to call or contact somewhere else. I feel burned out on even trying to help myself.

I know that I have to "do the work," I just wish I had someone helping me more than giving me endless resources to research and navigate.

#imtired #burnedout #Tiredofbeingtired #Health #MentalHealth #exhaustion #FeelingAlone

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactions 7 reactions

× " I'm Having A Rough Time At This New Job Transfer " × #Stressedout #burnedout #Depression #NonStopBullying

× " So I Co-worker Kept Complaining About Me... And Other Co-worker's... To My New Boss... About How She's Alway's Doing Other People's Assigned Job's.. And I Have Been Kindly Telling Her To Please Stop Ordering Me Around... And Checking On Me... To See If I'm Doing My Job Correctly... And The Girl Doesn't Like Me At All Idk Why???... Nor Do I Care.. I'm Not There To Make Friendship's With Bratty Children.. I'm There To Pay My Bill's And Rent.. And This Girl Has Had It Out For Me... Since I Have Arrived... I'm Looking For A Diffrent Job.. But Currently Everyone Is On Seasonal.. So I'm Going To Just Ride This Storm... Until Jan.. This Is Not Fair To Me.. I Do My Job's Just Differently And They Don't Like That I Pace Myself... I Can't Win With Anyone... " ×# AnUpdate ☆▪︎▪︎☆SKADI ☆▪︎▪︎☆


Does ECT work?

I am at my wit's end with my treatment-resistant depression & family trauma.
I just want to go to sleep & stay there!
Trying to act "normal" is exhausting & I am losing that battle more & more.
ECT has always scared the hell out of me!!!
But, I am getting to the point of desperation where I am actually considering it.
Has anyone had success with ECT for their depression &/or trauma?


What is mental burnout? I’m irratated,angry and depressed all the time. I’m a forgiving person, but the past year I haven’t been. #burnedout


What is mental burnout? I’m irratated,angry and depressed all the time. I’m a forgiving person, but the past year I haven’t been. #burnedout

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No Motivation

Lately I’ve been so burned out & can’t seem to find any motivation. Photography use to calm me down, & take me away from reality, but lately I feel like I have to force that, & then I don’t feel like messing with the photos afterwards. I posted a photo I took recently. I hope I can get inspired to get back into my photography more. Music has been my saving grace quite a bit recently. Sometimes it’s all I wanna do, listen to music..
#Depression #Anxiety #Monstersinmyhead #Nomotivation #burnedout #Photography

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Work/School Burnout

Does anybody else feel that you get constant burnout from Work and School balance? I feel Iike I am on a giant rolling ball struggling to stay on it! #School #Work #burnedout