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Yes, however what if your support system acts like they’re there for you but at the end of the day you still feel more alone even with that support system and still feel like a burden every day and you’re never going to have your life back as you once did 💔🖤 #MajorDepression #misunderstood #Alwaysanxious #lonely #ChronicPain #Nomotivation #MightyTogether

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Hi everybody.... 🙃
Just... I am just here becouse lately nothing can make me happy! No motivatipn at all.... looking for something to keeps me even a little alivr.. 🙃☹ #wanttobealive #Nomotivation #SOSAD

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#newbie looking for tips

Hi everyone! I’m new to the app and wondering what is the best way to use the app? Best way to connect with others? Best way to find help?

How do you get the most out of The Mighty to help you through the day? Any suggestions?

#help #Tips #Depression #Anxiety #TBI #Nomotivation #hopeless #howtostartagain

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One of those days...

I call it “HAVING A DAY”. Not a bad day, not a horrible day, just A DAY. You know, the ones where you are more conscious about things currently going on. Your health, your mothers health, needing to clean the house with zero motivation to do it, bills, trying to muster up the strength to get anything done. I’m having one, it’s one of those days today...
#Gastroparesis #ParkinsonsDisease #deppresion #Anxiety #Nomotivation #struggeling

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No motivation #ChronicPain #Depression #Memes #Pain #Nomotivation

A little depressed the last couple of days. Don’t feel like doing much. So much to think about. So many life changes. So procrastinating all decisions

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Hand piecing #quilts with my "supervisor"

I used to love hand piecing hexagons, but my hands hurt & my motivation is in the negatives for some time now. Maybe today, I'll take some NSAIDs & give it a go. I think I'll even shower 🛁🧼this morning. 😊 Feeling motivated just a bit... before hubby gets up & ruins my mood. #BipolarDepression #Nomotivation

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No Motivation

Lately I’ve been so burned out & can’t seem to find any motivation. Photography use to calm me down, & take me away from reality, but lately I feel like I have to force that, & then I don’t feel like messing with the photos afterwards. I posted a photo I took recently. I hope I can get inspired to get back into my photography more. Music has been my saving grace quite a bit recently. Sometimes it’s all I wanna do, listen to music..
#Depression #Anxiety #Monstersinmyhead #Nomotivation #burnedout #Photography


Is anyone else feeling like they have no motivation or energy to do anything anymore?

Lately, since the pandemic started, I have had zero motivation to do anything at all. I'm still in grad school and it takes everything in me to get up and do the work. I know I have plenty of stuff to do. I can exercise, I can read, make a puzzle, watch Netflix, etc. But it's gotten to the point where it's even to much effort to put on a show. #Nomotivation


I have no motivation to do my schoolwork,I struggle with depression and it’s making me doubt myself even https://more.Sometimes I feel like I’m not good enough and that I’m not pleasing my https://parents.I feel like a https://failure.My sister always does her work and I feel so guilty when I don’t put in that same amount of hard work,and I’m always being compared to her. #Depression #Nomotivation #NotGoodEnough

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