Miserable today
Even before I took a fall yesterday, my skin was feeling way too sensitive to let me not think about it. You know that thing where you move your arm and it happens to brush across your shirt or the arm of the chair, or your hand feels burned when your fingers come in contact with your palm? Brain fog has made life difficult, too. I forget words, especially nouns, it seems, and I forget what I am about to do. Like when holding the butter just out of the fridge and I don’t know why I wanted it. And some other crazy stuff. I was cleaning out the top of my closet, getting rid of some stuff, and I picked up this old camp radio, turned around to put it in the donate pile, and stepped off the step ladder. It was about three feet to the floor, so there was no recovery and really, I was on the floor fast. I lay there assessing body parts that might be broken. Fortunately no breaks. A couple scrapes. Some bruises. I guess I’ve finally arrived at my point, no kind of extraneous movement, especially when you’re already in a flare, goes unpunished Today, I am in such pain, flaming pain in my skin, all over, and the bruises throb, and joints hurt, oh and muscles. So it’s okay if you feel a little sorry for this old woman crashing to the floor. And go ahead and be thankful for no broken bones. 🥰