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Quote from the Dalai Lama

Here's a nice morning ritual to have for yourself. Does reading this first thing in the day help bring peace from a restless night or perhaps more positivity about an uncertain future? What is your morning routine?

Also, I make mental health video responses to many of your questions. The latest one is about the power of journaling for mental clarity. If this sounds useful, check it out by clicking one of the links below:

Otherwise, if you have any questions about mental health, please post in my group or comment below and I will make a video response specifically for you.

~ Thanks to all. Thanks for all. ~

#MentalHealth #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Addiction #dissociativedisorders #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #Cancer #RareDisease #Disability #Autism #Diabetes #EatingDisorders #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis

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The Power of Journaling for Mental Clarity

Hey everyone, I just posted a mental health video guide about the power of journaling for mental clarity. If this sounds useful to you, check it out by clicking one of the links below:

Also, if you have any questions about mental health, please comment below or send me a private message, and I will make a video response just for you.

~ Thanks to all. Thanks for all. ~

#MentalHealth #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Addiction #dissociativedisorders #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #Cancer #RareDisease #Disability #Autism #Diabetes #EatingDisorders #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #Suicide #MightyTogether

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Today at the horsefarm was good. My boss gave me a huge box of chocolate and a t-shirt, which represents the horsefarm.
He talked about his friend batteling cancer. "We never know when life will be over" he said. I agreed and told him about my mother's suddenly death in 2022.

Later at home, grief put me down.

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I'm new here, and appreciate this forum.

Hello! I am in the process of a official diagnosis of BP II. After a long stent of severe depression. My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2019, and passed away in 2022. I had lots of depression throughout his cancer journey, and lots of anger as well. After he passed, things really changed. My depression was so debilitating and the RAGE. In 2 years I managed to run everybody out of my life but my mom, dad and 1 of 3 sons, work became entirely unmanageable. After many times of just laying in bed and calling my son and asking him to take me to the hospital because I don't want to live feeling like this, and eventually I put into plan to end my life. I finally opened up to a friend of mine that is a RN. I opened my heart and my shame to her. She told me I needed to get help, and down the rabbit hole I went.
I initially was put on Mirtazapine and OMFG, I felt like I was on meth, no sleep for about 7 days, running through the house thinking I was cleaning but instead it looked like a tornado touched down inside, I could not consetrate on any one thing without a flood of ideas just pouring into my head,the impulses, paranoia and then walking the tight rope of anger and rage.
I called my Dr. And they took me off of mirtazapine. So I am currently in the process of changing Dr.s, because that has been a whole other S**t show.
Now I am not on any meds, and have a multitude of both depression and mania. Hoping to get the ball rolling soon, because the mirtazapine really did help with my deep emptiness.

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I used to be convinced something was wrong with me. It had to be something major too like heart problems or the big C (cancer) too. Basically, in my head, I was constantly worried about dying.

The concerns were a bit of a snowball effect of diagnoses that I did have. I have tachycardia (a heart condition) and I've had pre-cancer in my uterus. Neither one fatal, but my brain catasrophized these conditions. How scary is it to just decide you're dying and believe it?

Now, I know I'm sick. It's just a different kind of sick. Not sick from cancer but sick psychologically. Although my fears are slightly right. I am dying. I'm just slowly dying of old age like everyone else.

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Everyone has a story. Always be kind.

Mental health is important to me, especially those who are dealing with something. If we don’t judge others with cancer, heart disease, or Diabetes, we should not judge people with mental illness either.These are beautiful souls who are the epitome of courage. I stand for those who are trying to stand in their life. Never give up, beautiful souls.🩷.
-Danny Gautama

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety

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Return to your self

When emotions run high, the mind often adds fuel to the fire—overanalyzing, replaying scenarios, or making assumptions. The key is to pause before getting swept away. Instead of feeding the emotion with more thoughts, step back. Take deep breaths, ground yourself in the present, and engage in mindfulness or meditation. This creates space for clarity and prevents reactive decisions.

What’s your go-to way to calm your mind when emotions take over? Let’s share and learn from each other.

Also, I make mental health video responses to many of your questions. The latest one is about three small daily habits that make a big impact on improving your mental health. If this sounds useful, check it out by clicking one of the links below

Otherwise, if you have any questions about mental health, please post in my group or comment below and I will make a video response specifically for you.

~ Thanks to all. Thanks for all. ~

#MentalHealth #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Addiction #dissociativedisorders #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PTSD #Cancer #RareDisease #Disability #Autism #Diabetes #EatingDisorders #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis

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