In the quiet chambers of your heart,
Where shadows linger and wounds reside,
You embark on a voyage—a quest for light.
Therapy, your compass, guiding you through the night.
The therapist’s office, a sanctuary of whispers,
Where vulnerability blooms like fragile petals.
You lay bare your soul, unraveling the knots,
As they listen, without judgment, to your life’s plots.
Together, you sift through memories—
The shards of pain, the echoes of trauma.
They hand you tools: resilience, compassion, hope,
To mend the fractured pieces, to help you cope.
Therapy is not weakness; it’s strength unveiled.
It’s the courage to face demons, unafraid.
In the sacred space, tears flow like rain,
Washing away shame, releasing the strain.
You learn to rewrite narratives, reclaim your voice.
To dance with vulnerability, make empowered choices.
The therapist’s gaze mirrors your worth,
As you redefine healing, reclaim your birth.
So, dear seeker of solace, embrace the process.
Each session a stepping stone toward progress.
You are not broken; you’re a mosaic of scars—
A masterpiece in the making, under therapy’s stars.
A Must-Have Journal :
#DissociativeIdentityDisorder # #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #Depression #ADHD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #DepersonalizationDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder