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"Amazing Abby" the Treadmill Training Toddler

I wear many hats these days as the Dad of our 3 year old “Amazing Abby.” I am her educator, entertainer, chef, cleanup crew & personal trainer. In November of 2019, I took a leave of absence from my job to became a full time Stay at Home Dad (SAHD). I had no idea what was in store.

Abby was a 78 day Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) NICU grad. Our 3lb miracle underwent surgery for duodenal atresia about a month after she was born. Flash-forward to today…this fun loving, energetic, world traveling three year old is the center of her our world. I always say “she is the light of our lives.”

In April 2020, Abby’s CHOP Physical Therapist mentioned having Abby start treadmill training. “Wait what?!?” I thought. My one year old. ON A TREADMILL. She was barely cruising! Abby’s therapist ensured both of us that it could be done and the benefits are exponential. So my wife and I went all in on treadmill training.

Since we could not access CHOP’s PT Gym because of COVID, my wife engineered a “MacGyver” style set up that includes two bar stools, one five iron & lots of duct tape. This has allowed Abby to effectively use our home treadmill. After breakfast, Abby jumps on the treadmill and watches a little Sesame Street on the iPad. This activity has been really instrumental in helping Abby to walk strong on her own. Not to mention I get the benefit of watching a little Sesame Street too.

Seeing the strides Abby has made in 3 years are so rewarding. I certainly understand that more challenges await with Abby’s development but I am hopeful that the work we are doing now will allow Abby to flourish into a strong, accepted, & admired member of our society.

Thanks for this opportunity to share.

#DownSyndrome #ds #t21 #trisomy21 #PhysicalTherapy ##PT #treadmill #treadmilltraining


I found a wonderful photo of the foot of a baby with DS #ds

I was searching for a photo of a baby foot to post a meme about "be like this little piggy and stay home" with an arrow pointing to the second toe. And I found a photo of a beautiful little foot of a DS child. I saw that the first and second toe were widely spaced and I knew. So I used it in my meme. #ds

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Bread My cooking is one Distraction #DistractMe #ds . #CheckI

What are you doing to Distract You.
To not watch or listen to the news.
To stay active in this very strange and unprecedented times.
Me I'm baking cooking chatting to neighbours over my decking as they walk passed. Talking to family and friends on my phone.
THE MIGHTY yayyyyyyyyyyyyy.
What are doing?
Tell me I'd love to know
Love n hugs Tj
💖🤗💝💓💖🦓🦄🦓🦄🦓🦄🦓🍞🥨🙏🐾🦓🦄🦓🦄 #Love #Bekind #RareDisease #MightyTogether #DepressionAndMentalHealth #TrigeminalNeuralgia #SphincterOfOddiDysfunction #Hope #PsoriaticArthritis #AutoimmuneDiseases #Arthritis #Anxiety #positivementalattitude