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"Amazing Abby" the Treadmill Training Toddler

I wear many hats these days as the Dad of our 3 year old “Amazing Abby.” I am her educator, entertainer, chef, cleanup crew & personal trainer. In November of 2019, I took a leave of absence from my job to became a full time Stay at Home Dad (SAHD). I had no idea what was in store.

Abby was a 78 day Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) NICU grad. Our 3lb miracle underwent surgery for duodenal atresia about a month after she was born. Flash-forward to today…this fun loving, energetic, world traveling three year old is the center of her our world. I always say “she is the light of our lives.”

In April 2020, Abby’s CHOP Physical Therapist mentioned having Abby start treadmill training. “Wait what?!?” I thought. My one year old. ON A TREADMILL. She was barely cruising! Abby’s therapist ensured both of us that it could be done and the benefits are exponential. So my wife and I went all in on treadmill training.

Since we could not access CHOP’s PT Gym because of COVID, my wife engineered a “MacGyver” style set up that includes two bar stools, one five iron & lots of duct tape. This has allowed Abby to effectively use our home treadmill. After breakfast, Abby jumps on the treadmill and watches a little Sesame Street on the iPad. This activity has been really instrumental in helping Abby to walk strong on her own. Not to mention I get the benefit of watching a little Sesame Street too.

Seeing the strides Abby has made in 3 years are so rewarding. I certainly understand that more challenges await with Abby’s development but I am hopeful that the work we are doing now will allow Abby to flourish into a strong, accepted, & admired member of our society.

Thanks for this opportunity to share.

#DownSyndrome #ds #t21 #trisomy21 #PhysicalTherapy ##PT #treadmill #treadmilltraining


Having a hard time sleeping extremely painful time of month cause didn’t have it in 4 months perio menopause and pcos not fun plus having a hard time

Sleeping bc of nightmares from movie and no power in house plus flu shot 2 days ago thrown me off woke up at 915 am usually up at 730 so yeah it’s a rough day
#PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Fibromyaliga #FibromyalgiaDiagnosis #Flareup #Upallnight #Chatspace #Perimenopause #PTSD #CPTSD #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlineStigma #ADHD #DBT #PCOSAwarenessMonth #Aspergers #MightyQuestions #MightyTogether #COVID19 #wearamask #MightyBookClub #Movies #Reading #Love #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #DatingWithAChronicIllness #AspergersSyndrome #BipolarStrong #Happiness #volunteering #Yoga ###PT #Art #Music #musician #Grief #Sadness with everything I’m going thru plus today’s 11 years ago my grandfather passed away it’s a hard day.


Can a heart break or rather broken marriage causes PTSD??

Hello to everyone at the Mighty, am new on here on this community and I like to share a little of my past, not much just a hint. I have been battling PTSD for some years now as a result of my broken marriage, my med hardly work for me these days any suggestions from anyone, am not really familiar with this I hope to do better. Thanks #PTSD #personalitydisorder #PTSD #bi #erlinePersonalityDisorder # ##PT #PTSDAwarenessMonth