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♥️ SENd Support … EXCITING Times!

As a long term advocate of the #SEND community, my work as a coach mentor for children living with “special #Education needs and disabilities” means as much to me as everything else that I do, and with this in mind I’ve chosen to extend my work in this field to provide advice and guidance to support families who wish to either….

♥️ Apply for #PIP (Personal Independence Payment) on behalf of their children as a way of dealing with some of the extra costs associated with long-term illness and/or disability; we also offer support for the appeal process.


♥️ Apply for an #EHCP (Education, Health & Care Plan) to help identify their child’s specific needs within an education setting; we also offer support for the appeal process.

Both PIP and EHCP programmes provide valuable support for families affected by SENd, but as with most government-led programmes the applications and appeals process can be an administrative nightmare, and that’s where “SENd Support” can help.

Exciting times my friends, so if you and your family need support with any of the above, please feel free to drop me a message and let’s talk things through, or book a FREE “Discovery Call” from our website….

SENd Support Website

Supporting Families with PIP and EHCP Applications and Appeals
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MBBS in Bangladesh

The reasons why you should attend this college for your MBBS in Bangladesh outlined below:-

The main reason of MBBS in Bangladesh, it has the highest FMGE passing rate. FMGE stands for Foreign Medical Graduates Examination.

College students receive clinical training to achieve better exposure in the best hospitals.

Medical degrees issued by Bangladesh Medical University or Colleges are globally recognized and enable Indian students to practice medicine in India and other countries abroad.

Bangladesh follows the same syllabus as the National Medical Commission (NMC) recognizes in India. Books and magazines by the same Indian authors are being followed in the entire five years of the MBBS in Bangladesh program.

MBBS in Bangladesh degrees are recognized by MCI/NMC.

The MBBS degree from a Bangladesh Medical University is recognized by WHO and UNESCO and is accepted globally. So students can apply to the USA for MD Courses.

The climate of India and Bangladesh are almost similar, so diseases are almost the same and medical therapies are quite the same.

The culture is the same as in India. The environment and climate are also substantially similar.

The safety and protection of people are guaranteed on campus.

In all medical colleges in Bangladesh the medium of teaching is English. There is no language exam. A large number of Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, Tamil, Gujarati, Marathi, etc. students are already studying there. The local language used there is Bengali, English, and Hindi.

You also visit our Youtube Channel for more update regarding MBBS in Bangladesh. #Education #M BBS #mbbsinbangladesh


Stigma Sucks

Brainstorm with me.

A new friend kindly brought to my attention that stigma of MENTAL ILLNESS is not the only type of stigma people face. I was appreciative to learn that those with PHYSICAL DISABILITIES are right there with us when it comes to enduring unfair and unfounded judgement. I want to know of other populations dealing with stigma. If you know of any other circumstances that invite the ignorant judgement of others, please comment below. We all need to stick together. We Are #MightyTogether #TheMighty #StopTheStigma #Education #Awareness #MentalHealth #Physicaldisability

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Quick Tip Thursday: Increase Your Knowledge of Diabetes

Being educated regularly about diabetes helps you manage it properly and maintain a positive outlook. You can do this by signing up for diabetes-related newsletters and joining diabetes education groups.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #MentalHealth #Lifestyle #Education #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

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