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Motivational Monday: It’s Okay to Feel Burned Out

“It’s okay to feel burned out from dealing with your health. It’s exhausting and there are no breaks”- Anonymous

I’m leaving in an hour to go on a mini-vacay with my family.

My clothes are packed. It's time to make sure I have enough diabetes medicine to cover the next couple of days as well as a spare in case of an emergency that prevents me from returning home in time.

To keep track of my blood sugar levels, I need spare CGM and meter supplies.

My blood sugar levels are affected by dehydration, so I have to keep multiple bottles of water on hand. During the whole time, the temperature will be in the 90's, and I absolutely refuse to spend $2-3 on a single bottle of water.

Lastly, there's the food situation. What are some foods I can eat that won't trigger my CGM alarm? Do I have enough snacks during long traffic jams?

Just the mental preparation of traveling with diabetes sometimes burn me out. But, it’s okay.

The important thing is that I'm making memories with my family, and although the extra preparation can be annoying, it's all worth it in the end.

I want to encourage you that it is okay to feel burned out. Feeling this way when we have to take extra care of our health conditions and still live our lives is a natural reaction.

There are no days off from managing diabetes; however, there are tools that we can use that can help us stay encouraged and motivated on this health journey:

- Changing up your diabetes plan
- Focus on activities and hobbies to temporarily take your minds off the stress
- Reach out to your healthcare team for mental health resources
- Reach out to a diabetes support group (like this community)

We are here to support you no matter where you are on this diabetes journey 💙

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Quick Tip Thursday: An Accountability Partner Can Help You Manage Diabetes

Having an accountability partner can help you manage diabetes. An accountability partner keeps you on track with your diabetes management goals by providing support, encouragement, and motivation.

If you do not currently have an accountability partner, consider reaching out to a friend, family member, or healthcare professional who can fulfill this role. You can even use this community for accountability!

Having this support system in place can greatly enhance your ability to successfully manage diabetes and improve your overall quality of life.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #accountability #Tips #Support #SupportGroups #Health #MightyTogether

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Talk About It Tuesday: Community Check-In

Time for a community check-in 💙

How are you really feeling and how can our community support you during this time?

Share how you’re feeling with an emoji or your thoughts in the comments below.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #MentalHealth #EmotionalHealth #CheckInWithMe #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

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Motivational Monday: It’s Okay to Feel How You Feel

“It’s okay to grieve. Your life may look a little different now that you have a diagnosis, but that’s okay. A different life doesn’t mean a bad life. However, at the same time, it’s totally okay to be sad and grieve. A chronic illness is a major thing. Honor your feelings. Don’t dismiss them.”- The Spoonie Diaries by @Katieemayl

Let yourself feel how you feel, then let those feelings motivate you to manage diabetes so that you can live the best life possible 💙

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #MentalHealth #Lifestyle #Health #encouragement #IfYouFeelHopeless #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

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Quick Tip Thursday: Get Active Every Day at Least 20 to 25 Minutes

Start small and build up gradually. Take advantage of every opportunity to be active. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by getting 20 to 25 minutes of exercise a day can reduce your risk of diabetes complications. Due to injuries and immobility, some patients can't do physical activities. Therefore, talk to your doctor about what physical activities are right for you and your health.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #ChronicIllness #Lifestyle #physicalactivity #Exercise #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

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Motivational Monday: Move Forward

“One thing that you really have to do is move forward. You’ve gotta really tackle this. You can’t be a passive patient.” Dr. Phil McGraw

I want to encourage you today to keep moving forward! Take control of your health and do whatever it takes to manage diabetes. Advocating for yourself is crucial because if you don't speak up for yourself, who will?

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Lifestyle #Health #Advocacy #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

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Quick Tip Thursday: Your Favorite Hobby Can Help Improve Blood Sugar Levels

Focusing on a hobby can help improve blood sugar Levels. Participating in your favorite hobby regularly can help you stay focused on a task, which can help maintain better blood sugar levels. This is because when you are focusing on a task, your body is less likely to be distracted by sugar cravings or other unhealthy habits.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #prediabetes #Lifestyle #Tips #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether #Hobby #Health

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Motivational Monday: Focus on the Good

"Life gives you both positive and negative. Focus on the good and move ahead with commitment."- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

No matter what negatives come your way with diabetes, focus on the good - that fact that you're still alive, that there are people who care about you, and that you can manage it effectively. You can then use that focus as a motivating factor to move forward with a commitment to manage diabetes with help and support.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #DiabetesType2 #Diabetestype3 #lada #mody #prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes #JuvenileDiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #AutoimmuneDisease #Health #Lifestyle #MentalHealth #Motivation #Support #SupportGroups #MightyTogether

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