Dear Fibromyalgia
Dear fibro,
You have done your best to ruin my life; but in reality you’ve filled me with gratitude and appreciation for every second of my life.
I may be broken, but you will never break me.
I may be in pain, but you will never see me cry.
I may need help sometimes, even though I am stubborn and want to be completely independent. I am deeply grateful for those that are willing to help, especially when I am too proud to ask for it.
Because of you, I am more aware of other peoples limitations, and
find myself helping others whenever I can.
Have you changed my life? Absolutely.
Most people would say you’ve changed my life for the worse; but honestly, you may have changed my life for the better.
I see things differently now and have slowed down so that I can enjoy every aspect of this life that I am able to.
You’ve taught me patience by forcing me to just STOP.
You’ve taught me greater empathy, especially when I can see people’s struggles or feel their pain.
You’ve taught me that I have more strength than I ever thought was possible. And most of all, You’ve taught me live in the moment, to love hard, and to see the beauty all around us that we so often miss when we’re too busy with life to notice. #fibromyalgiastrong #fibrosucks #Fibromyalgia