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It's hard.

I've been getting a hard time lately for not being able to make an income, and it's really wearing on me. Things got worse when my father passed away 2 1/2 months ago- in pretty much every way, but the financial strain seems to be what requires all my attention. Instead of being able to grieve, I have to struggle to keep utilities on. It's never- ending.#ChronicIllness #chronicpainawareness #chronicillnesswarrior #InvisibleIllness #invisibleillnesswarrior #mecfsawareness #Fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiawarrior #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #spooniewarrior #spoonie

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Being fit doesn't cure #ChronicIllness

There are too many healthy people who just don't get this. Follow me under writtenbydida on social media or visit the link in my profile #ChronicIllness #chronicpainawareness #fitness #body #InvisibleIllness #invisibledisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #fibromyalgiawarrior #Fibromyalgia #Spoonie #spooniewarrior #mecfswarrior #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

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Life with #ChronicIllness

This is how it is to live with chronic illnesses that are painful and exhausting. Your loved ones understand a little at first, then it starts to get harder when it's not convenient, then when we really have to rely on them because we've ran our bodies to the ground- and we don't recover anymore- it starts getting worse. At the time when we need them to be the most understanding is when the stress and trouble of our illnesses wear people out. Let me tell ya- it wears us out, too. I promise. I promise we don't want to be sitting here, being seen as lazy, or fearful, or anything else. Trouble is, unless we truly want to risk our lives, we just have to sit here and take it. We don't have the option of getting defiant without extreme consequences. So, basically, we're screwed. Especially during a pandemic where a bunch of people are listening to politicians instead of medical professionals. Visit the link in my profile for more #ChronicIllness #chronicpainawareness #chronicillnesswarrior #InvisibleIllness #invisibledisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #fibrowarriors #Fibromyalgia #fibrowarrior #fibromyalgiawarrior

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Living with #ChronicIllness

Just sayin'😂😂😂 I'm almost 20 years in on the experience. It's gotta count for something when we can sit in the ER or office & accurately diagnose your patients . (When you are quiet, you can hear quite a bit through walls.) It's not really an intentional thing- there are just many times when I overhear things whether I want to, or not. I have been able to diagnose myself & family members for years now. I never assume I am correct- we always get checked out by a medical professional, but it's been a long time since I was wrong about a diagnosis. I can't help it after almost two decades of being in and out of hospitals. For more, visit Written by Dida by using the link in my profile #chronicillnesswarrior #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #invisibleillnesses #spooniewarrior #fibrowarrior #fibromyalgiawarrior #Fibromyalgia

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Being #chronicallyill in a "healthy" world

I am so tired of fighting with healthy people who call me fearful for still not going back to normal. They were all about it when government officials were telling them to worry, but as soon as the politicians decided we needed to reopen, it was magically all different. Even though nothing AT ALL has changed, we're supposed to go back to normal & because I have a brain and can see that science says it's not safe for me- I'm weak, lazy, stupid, and 800 other negative things. None of which I actually am. If those healthy people had to spend even an hour in my body, they would feel differently. We gotta have serious change though cause I'm about sick of having a President who seriously does not give a damn about the chronically ill, minorities, or anything else he should. Vote him out so overwhelmingly he can't buy his way out. Visit the link in my profile for more #ChronicIllness #chronicillnesswarrior #spooniewarrior #Spoonie #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #Fibromyalgia #fibrowarriors #fibromyalgiaawareness #mentalhealth #cfsme

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Chronic Illness Issues

I'm sure many of us are dealing with this right now. I know I am. And I know why. The leaders of this country aren't taking it seriously & are acting like it's just fine to be re-opening the country before medical guidelines allow. The fact that they are very clearly ignoring the federal guidelines and the president is ENCOURAGING them to do so, is heinous, and their influence is far too great. People need to ONLY be looking at medical advice instead of listening to politicians and economical advisors. They are looking out for their own wallets and positions- not our lives. For more, visit #COVID19 #covıd19 #coronavirus #pandemic2020 #quarantine #athometogether #togetherathome #alonetogether #togetheralone #usa #america #ChronicIllness #addiction #mentalhealth #life #spooniewarrior #spoonies #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior

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#Fibromyalgia can vary from person to person. There is a long list of symptoms that can be contributed to either Fibro, or an underlying condition that didn't occur until the Fibro was present. What is your Fibro experience? For more, visit the link in my profile #ChronicIllness #chronicpainawareness #chronicfatigueawareness #ChronicPain #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #InvisibleIllness #fibrowarriors #fibromyalgiaawareness #fibrosucks #Fibro #spooniewarrior #Spoonies #writtenbydida

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Managing Mask #Anxiety

This is from the post I'm about to release about #MaskAnxiety I am formatting it now, so it will be very soon. There will be one other coming from it, at least. Ugh, formatting. Ugh, chronic mental and physical conditions. We are warriors whether anyone wants to believe it or not. It requires prevention, constant maintenance, & planning to live with #chronicillnesses and #MentalHealth conditions. If you want to have any control at all, anyway. It's exhausting just to exist this way, let alone deal with life, then things like #COVID19 For more from me, visit #chronicillnesswarrior #AnxietyDisorder #MentalHealth #COVID19 #pandemic2020 #fibrowarriors #Fibromyalgia #invisibleillnesswarrior #spooniewarrior #Spoonie

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#venting & #Solutions

I'm in the middle of writing a post about my "fixer" personality trait. For the record, it's NOT control issue. I have no desire for control over anyone other than people being irresponsible enough to ignore social distancing guidelines. I will 100% admit wanting to control those people so they stop killing people. Other than that, it's not a control thing. It's just how my brain works. Telling me not to find solutions is like telling me not to breath, but, it's only because I hate to see people struggling in any way. ESPECIALLY, if I see a real solution that can help. I understand that not every problem has a fix, and I also understand that people sometimes just need to vent, but venting only does so much. It's healthy and helpful for processing through feelings you don't fully understand, and I am always willing to be there for someone who needs to do so, but I may follow-up with something I find could be helpful. I don't tell you that it's the only way to fix things, or try to pressure you- I just let you know you have options in case it's something you may not have thought of. Just venting, and getting upset when real options are given, can lead to a pattern of dealing with the same problems over and over. Many people fall into this pattern with at least a few issues in their lives. Don't be so against solutions that you create, or worsen, your problems. For more from me, visit the link in my profile or search Written by Dida #LifeLessons #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #chronicillnesswarrior #Relationships #Addiction #COVID19 #alonetogether #togetheralone #athometogether #togetherathome #quarantine #pandemic2020 #writtenbydida #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #Fibromyalgia #fibrowarrior #fibrosucks #spooniewarrior #Spoonie #InvisibleIllness