WHAT A GREAT WEEK !!!! #Cats #grateful #thankful #Pets #Love
This week will go down in history for me ! My furry miracle, Honey, laid on my lap all throughout the week. For the first time !!!! #epic
I am so grateful for my fur babies who seem to always know when I need some extra love ❤️ #Glimmers #grateful #MorningStruggles #Lupus #Depression #Loneliness
Thankfully, for the first time in a long time, I was able to vacuum, after being told by my surgeon that I may walk on my "bad leg"( I broke my leg 2 & a half months ago) as long as I keep wearing the cast (boot) my #Cat certainly appreciates it
Almost as much as I do !😺🌞 🌈🏡#dowhatyoucan
It’s been a long time I posted here.. It was due to my exam result.. Yeah,my final result.. And, I did graduated from my college and also with an impressive grade.. Yeah, I mean I didn’t even expect that the result would turn out so good. Cause my depression started for this and the whole year I passed having extreme anxiety and depression.. Cause I was in such stage where I was confused if I can actually sit for the exam or not.. If I look back my past posts here, I would see my fear,anxiety, depression, panic attacks and suicidal attempts and thoughts just because of this exam.. Cause it’s final exam and I had to do it cause I didn’t want to take a break.. I never did.. So,now I am thinking if I could see the 18 years old me, I would have told her that come on, it’s goona be okay.. Yeah, it would be.. You can do it.. I mean just for this, I had to tolerate so many things that I can't express.. I remember my exam was in the next day and I couldn’t even open my books.. I was listening from my friends that they have started before 3 days and here I wasn’t able to do it though the next day was my exam.. It was horrifying.. I still remember I was pulling that thin rubber band and then letting go of it.. It was very painful but that moment I didn’t feel any pain or something.. I still have that picture from that time when my hand was full of red marks due to it.. Also,not to mention, those days where at one point I wanted to give in but I didn’t.. I feel very very proud of myself for not giving up.. I was so insecure and my illnesses was also getting worse at that time.. I mean, diagonised with Major Depressive Disorder just before 2 months before my final exam was never easy.. Also to adjust with it’s medicines, it took me like a month.. And after this, there were just 15 days left for my exam... Oh, I still remember when I used to motivate myself. More likely convincing myself to go for the exams.. I was literally dying at that time.. Yeah, every day and every night I felt like I am dying.. I was not even okay during my exams days cause somehow MDD just made it worse.. So, what should I say.. I am at loss of words.. Also,having this grade was really surprising cause I know how hard it was for me.. Well, I always believed that life is unpredictable.. Yeah,completely... I mean if someone asked me that time, I would've probably cried and said I don’t know.. I am not sure😩.. It was a fight.. And I fought it.. It’s not like I am showing off and all. No, I am not.. Mighty and the mighties have been my part of this journey from the very beginning and that’s why I am sharing this.. You know what if someone asks me about that time, I choose my answer that I Couldn't.. No, it was never that I didn’t.. Rather It was always I couldn’t.. I feel these two things have a very significant meaning.. And, also a very impressive way to get over from your insecurity and the lack of self-confidence.. Also to stop the torture we do to ourselves when we didn’t do anything.. It’s an illness and we can't just skip it.. It’s a part of life.. And I choose to live with it.. I hope sharing my messed up story would help someone who has been going through something like this.. Cause I have faced the worst yet I choose to fight against it.. I just didn’t wanna give up no matter what.. One thing I always believed that people like us can live, can dream and can go for it.. We can cause we are the strongest ever.. Well, this would be my reminder that I am not goona give up and I would fight against the whole world for myself.. I would go for my dreams no matter what and everything.. Cause this illness can't just snitch our rights to live, to dream and to be happy... Dear 18, I did it.. Yes, I did.. And, I believe we all mighties can .. Cause we were always the champions and still we are.. Hope it can be a bit helpful for someone like me... Also,I am grateful to everyone here for being so supportive and amazing💝.. Thanks for being the part of this.. Love and support for everyone 💐💐💐.. #Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #MajorDepressiveDisorder #self -appreciation #grateful #mighties
Grateful for our neighbor who has a large garden. These tomatoes are beautiful.
#Garden ,#heirloom tomatoes,
#grateful ,#chronic pain,#Sarcoidosis
I have been through it all and I need the reminder daily #grateful #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #wegothis
I was elected to be the official planner for my walk for Hope and healing. I’ve never had anyone want to lead anything. I have my first meeting tonight! I’m not sure I can tell my story without crying. I have four months to practice LOL I want to connect with people but I’m scared because everyone else has left when I needed them the most but I want to make a difference in other peoples lives because in one day I felt heard and supported by all of you!! I am grateful this morning to wake up to another sunny day to spend time with my little boy I hope everybody has a wonderful day,sending love you all!! #walkforhopeandhealing #grateful #Bipolar2 #PTSD #haveagreatday #BPD #ThankYou
I want to take a moment to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to all you amazing and beautiful people who took a few minutes out of their day to vote on my poem on the "Family Friend Poems" website. Y'ALL ROCK!!! I am forever Grateful and Thankful to each and every one of you beautiful people! I would also like to mention how touched I was by all your kind, amazing and generous responses on my poem. I feel heard and seen. You all left a lasting imprint in my heart 🤗💖 Thank you, Thank you, Thank you All Soooooo very much for your thoughtful support and encouragement. 😍🤗💖
I want to take a moment to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to all those who sooo kindly took a few minutes out of their day to read my poem on Family Friend Poems website and voted on it. YALL ROCK!!! I am So Thankful and Grateful for every single one of you!! 🤗 I also want to mention how I was touched by all the kind and thoughtful responses on my poem. All your Wonderful comments left a warm feeling in my heart. I felt seen and heard. Thank you all sooo very much!!! 🤗🥰
#Ifeelseen #Ifeelheard #sothankful #grateful #Ifeelsupported #mightyfriends
#grateful for my unborn baby …who is constantly kicking to let me know he is there and grateful that all my scans have been fine. Can’t wait to meet you young one :)